Friday, October 19, 2012


Here's an excellent quote:
"Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution"
Because nobody wants to lose their job. As true as this is, what I find so funny about it is I always described my job at AMD as putting myself out of job. That's the great thing about free enterprise. My job was to do something nobody had ever done before and automate that process to make it simple enough that people not as smart as me could do it afterwards. I moved on to the next project nobody had ever done, and good people came in behind me to take over what I'd already done and improve upon it. I always feared that if I became ordinary, just turned the crank, and no longer put myself out of a job, I'd get fired. In fact one of the most important factors when I quit was AMD management was blocking me from creating, leading the development process, and helping improve our products.

After Hillary looked presidential by claiming the buck stopped with her, Bill Clinton slams Obama on the economy. This is more evidence for what I've recently stated: the Clintons polling tells them Romney is going to beat Obama.

How about the two biggest plutocrats in the world arguing over who has the biggest pension? You can't make this stuff up. Porn writers are salivating over these creeps. I guarantee neither one of them will offer to cut off an inch.

In three out of three debates so far this election cycle, Democrats have received more time.

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