Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Welfare State Infects the Census

Welfare State Infects the Census
Mark Luedtke

Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution establishes the rules for selecting members of the House of Representatives. To apportion representatives among the states, it requires the federal government to perform a census every 10 years. The original Constitution also restricted taxes to be proportional to the census until the 16th Amendment created the income tax. Those are the only times the census is mentioned in the Constitution. The only legitimate power government has regarding the census is to count citizens.

But professional politicians, who make their living off the backs of the taxpayers like every other aristocrat throughout history, never let a piece of paper restrict their lust for power. In our corrupt welfare state, aristocrats force Americans to give up more information so they can use that information to better buy votes with the money they seize from us and increase their own power at our expense. Like every other government program, the census is a bloated program poisoned by the personal political ambitions of the aristocrats who control it and would be far better left to the private sector.

This isn't a new phenomena. It's the inevitable result of giving a handful of people power over others. According to the U.S. Constitution Online, one year after the Constitution was ratified, "several Congressmen argued against a census prior to the next election. Some in the Congress, who advocated an immediate census, noted that those who did not want one were the people from states which were generally regarded as being over-represented in the Congress based on the initial figures provided for in the Constitution. Others were concerned that the questions to be asked in the census [were too intrusive], while others felt that more questions should be asked to get a better picture of the citizenry."

Over the centuries, census data has been used for nefarious purposes such as guiding General Sherman's march through the South and imprisoning Americans of Japanese descent in concentration camps during WWII. While the census isn't abused as spectacularly today, using it to dole out other people's money to buy votes for the aristocrats who seized it is equally unconstitutional and harmful. Welfare in all its forms traps Americans in poverty, makes us all poorer and breeds dependency and subservience. Welfare undermines private property rights and enshrines inequality under the law as a pseudo-legal principle, yanking the blindfold from Lady Justice's eyes. There's nothing compassionate, legal or constructive about stealing money from Peter to give to Paul no matter who does the stealing.

President Obama's census is especially onerous for what it doesn't ask. With the explosion of illegal immigration into America, illegal immigrants consume tremendous amounts of our wealth through welfare programs such as government provided education and health care. Because Obama's census doesn't ask if the respondent is in the US legally, this census will direct even more welfare to illegal immigrants. The welfare state and Obama's census rewards people for breaking our laws, further undermining the rule of law. Illegal immigration wouldn't be the problem it is today if not for the welfare state.

Additionally, states with large numbers of illegal immigrants will gain representation at the expense of states with fewer illegal immigrants. This census will disenfranchise Americans in favor of illegal immigrants.

Failing to differentiate between illegal immigrants and people in US legally is the next step in Democrats' plans to use illegal immigrants to gain more power. Democrats, most memorably Eliot Spitzer before he was caught laundering money he paid to prostitutes, pushed motor voter laws and giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens, making it easy for them to vote. Barack Obama and his ACORN partners championed motor-voter in Illinois. In 2006 Democrats recruited at illegal immigration rallies. Now Charles Schumer and Barney Frank are pushing universal voter registration on the states which would force states to register every person with a driver's license to vote including the illegal immigrants Democrats have been giving licenses.

Contrary to what liberals would have us believe, our aristocrats aren't doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. Compassion doesn't drive one to steal money from some and give it to others. Compassion drives one to reach into his or her own pocket or donate his own time to help others. Since Hispanics historically lean toward Democrats, Democrats expect more votes, more seats in Congress and more power. For years the Democrats laid the groundwork to make it easy for illegal immigrants to vote, and their plans are about to come to fruition. If you ever wondered how Obama convinces Democrats to make what seems like career-ending votes for health care oppression, cap and trade and every other anti-American policy he advocates, this is it. This is also how he plans to win a second term.

Democrat dominated California stands to pick up nine seats in the House by counting illegal immigrants. Most of those seats will be Democrat. Solidly red and fiscally responsible Texas will pick up four seats as Democrats try to turn that state purple. Ohio could lose two seats. They're hoping to make every state in America more blue. The reduction in the power and wealth of every American is immaterial to the aristocrats. The people don't matter. This is about the petty power game between Republicans and Democrats.

Typically Americans can limit the damage government can do with the census by not answering questions, risking a small fine, but Democrats are using our privacy concerns against us. The 2010 census form preview announces in bold, capital letters it "DOES NOT ask legal status of respondents or their Social Security numbers." There's nothing we can do to affect this abuse of the census. If we want to solve this problem, we need to address the root cause. We need to re-embrace freedom and re-establish the plain language of the Constitution as the highest law of the land. States must nullify unconstitutional laws. Voters must vote to tear down this welfare state and return to the severely limited government defined by the Constitution.



Schumer and Frank push universal voter registration.

Democrats recruit at 2006 illegal immigration rallies. Spitzer, illegal immigrants and motor-voter.

It didn't take long for Congress to start perverting the Constitution.
"In early 1790, several Congressmen argued against a census prior to the next election. Some in the Congress, who advocated an immediate census, noted that those who did not want one were the people from states which were generally regarded as being over-represented in the Congress based on the initial figures provided for in the Constitution. Others were concerned that the questions to be asked in the census, while others felt that more questions should be asked to get a better picture of the citizenry."
Our politics today isn't any worse than politics at any time. But as great scientists stand on the shoulders of those who came before them, political crooks stand on the shoulders of those who came before them too, so our country is suffering from the accumulated damage of centuries of professional politicians. I was going to say power-hungry professional politicians, but that would be redundant.

Census takers tell us to trust them, but they gave up the names and addresses of Americans of Japanese decent during WWII so they could be rounded up into concentration camps. Sherman follows census to burn the South. Never trust the government.

California stands to pick up nine seats and Texas four by counting illegal immigrants in the census.

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