Saturday, January 16, 2010

Free kibbles


America is becoming more fascist by the day
."Celente concluded by saying, “the merger of state and corporate powers, according to Mussolini, who knew a thing or two about it, is called fascism and fascism is coming to America.”"
Fascism is government planning of the means of production.
"Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.) Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically. In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace. Entrepreneurshipwas abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions."
Fascism is a form of collectivism - socialism-lite. Fascism is top-down corporatism.
"In Italy, corporatism became influential amongst Italian nationalists. The Charter of Carnaro gained much popularity as the prototype of a 'corporative state', having displayed much within its tenets as a guild system combining the concepts of autonomy & authority in a special synthesis. This appealed to Hegelian thinkers such as Mussolini who were looking for a new alternative to popular socialist & syndicalist stances which was also a progressive system of governing labor and still a new way of relating to political governance as a whole. Alfredo Rocco spoke of a corporative state and declared corporatist ideology in detail. Rocco would go on to become a member of the Italian Fascist regime.[24] Italian Fascism involved a corporatist political system in which economy was collectively managed by employers, workers and state officials by formal mechanisms at national level.[25]"
If you don't realize both parties have been leading us down this path for decades and we're accelerating down that path, you haven't been paying attention.


Global police force immune in the US.
"Issued by President Ronald Reagan in 1983, EO 12425 recognized Interpol as an international organization with certain privileges and immunities afforded to foreign diplomats. However, Reagan structured his executive order to ensure that Interpol, like every other law enforcement agency in this country, was accountable to the rule of law.

Aided by some crafty legal editing, Obama has manipulated Reagan's directive in such a way as to remove those restrictions so that Interpol now stands apart from domestic law enforcement agencies, its actions and records effectively immune from legal scrutiny. It was a shrewd move on Obama's part, so shrouded in a legal parsing of semicolons and redactions that it is barely comprehensible to the average citizen (unless you happen to have a few attorneys on hand who can sift through the historical record to make sense of the changes). But when you compile all the changes, the amended text of the Executive Order reads:

Property and assets of international organizations, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, unless such immunity be expressly waived, and from confiscation. The archives of international organizations shall be inviolable.

The key here is the word "inviolable," which means that Interpol assets, records and other property are no longer subject to the search and seizure provisions of the Fourth Amendment, nor are they subject to public scrutiny under the Freedom of Information Act."
Naturally all the conservatives on the Special Report panel were just peachy with this. But since the president can't operate outside the Constitution, ostensibly, he can't give Interpol permission to operate outside the Constitution, ostensibly. But when a court tries to subpoena Interpol records, we might have a constitutional crisis.


For the third straight year, the military set a record for number of suicides.

If soldiers were allowed to carry firearms on base like they should be, it would be OK for the army to be unprepared for attackers. Armed soldiers would quickly take them out, providing a superior response and deterrent than any centralized security plan. Central planning and authoritarian security can never be prepared for every attack and are doomed to catastrophically fail no matter how many times you improve the plan.


For all conservatives' complaining about Obama, here's 10 reasons that Obama just like Bush on steroids. I call this the third term of the Bush/Obama administration. Bush handed the presidency to Obama on a silver platter. Too bad conservatives didn't feel the same about government spending, deficits, health care, stimulus, etc. before they voted for Bush, and too bad liberals who complained about Bush's spending support Obama's. But that's what our political system is all about - each side thinking government is great when their party is forcing their will on everybody and terrible when the other is when in fact government is the same destroyer of freedom and prosperity all the time.


Great Britain to teach parents how to raise children. We've been talking about the nanny state and that the ultimate conclusion of the nanny state is cradle to grave dependence. Britain is almost there. Western civilization is committing suicide faster than I'd imagined.

The ultra-left-wing Salon on Cass Sunstein's creepy proposal to send the Ostapo (I love that name) after anybody who disagrees with government sanctioned history. Even the left-wingers are wondering what they did to us. I'm sure the people who backed Stalin and Mao wondered the same thing before they were executed. Obama is no airheaded leftist who thinks communism is going to lead to pretty flowers in everybody's hair. He's a hard-core thug from the bomb-throwing wing of the Democrat party who understands that you have to break millions of eggs to make a communist omelet. Bill Ayers didn't choose Obama to partner with him multiple times because Obama dresses nice. He chose him because they share the same bomb-throwing vision for revolution in America.
"The Bush Pentagon employed teams of former Generals to pose as "independent analysts" in the media while secretly coordinating their talking points and messaging about wars and detention policies with the Pentagon. Bush officials secretly paid supposedly "independent" voices, such as Armstrong Williams and Maggie Gallagher, to advocate pro-Bush policies while failing to disclose their contracts. In Iraq, the Bush Pentagon hired a company, Lincoln Park, which paid newspapers to plant pro-U.S. articles while pretending it came from Iraqi citizens. In response to all of this, Democrats typically accused the Bush administration of engaging in government-sponsored propaganda -- and when it was done domestically, suggested this was illegal propaganda."
But now that Democrats are in charge, Sunstein wants to improve on this propaganda technique. If the two parties weighed a hundred pounds each, there wouldn't be an ounce of difference between them. Both are about power at the expense of the people, and both use the tiny differences between them as tools to convince us to give them ever more of our power.
"Consider the recent revelation that the Obama administration has been making very large, undisclosed payments to MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber to provide consultation on the President's health care plan. With this lucrative arrangement in place, Gruber spent the entire year offering public justifications for Obama's health care plan, typically without disclosing these payments, and far worse, was repeatedly held out by the White House -- falsely -- as an "independent" or "objective" authority."
Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

Haitians accuse Americans of mismanaging airport and only allowing Americans to leave. This may or may not be true, but we can't win for losing.

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