Sunday, January 17, 2010

Free kibbles

LIBERTY: practices what they preach with liberty online effort. This is exactly the kind of thing Obama wants to crush by seizing control of the internet ostensibly for security purposes.


"When a man is required to "rent" his own property from the government by paying property taxes on it, he is being forbidden to fully exercise his right of ownership. Although he owns the property, he is forced into the position of a lessee, with the government the landlord.
The proof of this is that if he fails to pay the taxes the government will take his property away from him (even though it is his property and not the government's), just as a landlord would kick out a tenant who failed to pay the rent. Similarly, if a man must comply with laws dictating the use or upkeep of his property (or any other rule except that of not using the property to initiate force or fraud against others), he is being forbidden to fully exercise his right of ownership."
Because of property taxes, in reality government owns all land. Our ownership of land, permitted by government, is not real ownership. It's just a form of rent. This next part is self-servingly naive.
"Conflicting claims would be settled by bringing them before private arbitration agencies for binding arbitration. Since neither disputant would be able to sell the land, have much chance of renting it, or even any security of possession so long as his claim was in dispute, both parties would be impelled to bring the matter to arbitration. The free market arbitration agency, if it wanted to stay in business, would have to make as fair a decision as it possibly could. Both disputants would then be impelled to abide by the arbiter's decision, since a man who contracted to abide by the results of arbitration and then broke his contract would be announcing himself as unreliable, and no one would want to risk having any business dealings with him."
If a jerk sets a pig farm on land claimed by a pacifist, the jerk isn't going to arbitration. He has everything to lose and nothing to gain by doing so. He just claims the land for himself and continues to work it. The only way for the pacifist to defend his property is for the pacifist to ask for help from others to remove him by threat of violence or violence. Maybe the guy isn't a pacifist, but the jerk is better armed. Any group of people who claim the legitimate power to use violence on another to protect property rights of another is by definition a government. Think posse. Without this government, the only law is might makes right and society degrades into tribes, clans, warlords or whatever other name you want to use. Because of human nature there is no such thing as a society without violence and the need to respond to violence with violence. There is no such thing as an anarchist paradise. Of course, even with a government, the basic law of humanity is still might makes right. The important thing is to keep the government tiny, weak, restricted by law, dependent on the people for massing force and dependent on voluntary contributions to limit the corruption inherent with power.


In the run up to the final Obamacare vote, liberal propagandists want us to think that Republicans are at risk for rejecting Obamacare. How funny. The only risk they take is if they vote for this wildly unpopular, oppressive bill.


Mr. Obama goes to Massachusetts in last ditch effort to put Democrat into Senate, keep the 60 vote super-majority, and save health care oppression. It's a testament to how terrible and unpopular this health care bill is that Massachusetts is on the verge of electing a Republican senator to kill it.


How writers can prosper without copyright.

Civilization is entering a crisis of interventionism that, if not reversed, will lead to collapse.

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