Friday, January 08, 2010

Free kibbles


Rising rents in Washington D.C. and falling rents in New York City highlight the transfer of wealth and power from the rest of the country to the federal government.

Obama says he wants to create jobs but his policies do just the opposite.

Speculators are betting on a food shortage.
"[Jim Rogers] says: 'Food inventories worldwide are at the lowest in decades as the world continues to consume more than it produces. We even have a shortage of farmers now since agriculture has been such a terrible business for three decades. We should all hope prices go higher or there may soon be a time when there will be little or no food at any price.'"
Higher prices will lead to greater supply of food, so as much as we don't like paying them, it beats starving. We need to abolish the Dept. of Agriculture.


John Taylor and Peter Schiff blast Ben Bernanke for continuing to blame everybody but the Fed for the housing boom and bust.
"In his presentation to the National Economic Club, Bernanke claimed that ultra-low interest rates in the early in the Bush years were appropriate given the conditions at the time, and that they therefore did not contribute to the housing bubble. Instead, he laid blame squarely at the feat of an "under-regulated" financial sector which had designed and sold unconventional and exotic mortgage products, such as adjustable-rate and interest-only mortgages. According to Ben, it was these irresponsible lenders (who he now hopes to regulate), not low interest rates, that caused the housing bubble.
There are two huge flaws in this line of reasoning. First, if these mortgages were such a problem, why didn't the Fed do something to rein in their use? When given an opportunity to speak about the widespread use of ARMs in congressional testimony, former chairman Greenspan had nothing but praise for these products. He claimed these offerings allowed savvy homebuyers to save money and better manage their personal balance sheets. At the time that Greenspan made these statements, Bernanke was serving as a Fed governor. From neither that position nor his later role as chairman of President Bush's Council of Economic Advisors did Bernanke ever utter a scornful phrase about the mortgages he now condemns in hindsight.
The biggest issuers and insurers of ARMs were Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Both of these Government-Sponsored Entities (GSE's) had policies that allowed for borrowers to qualify based solely on their ability to meet the initial loan payments, not the higher payments that would eventually kick in. Why didn't the Fed advise Congress to force the GSE's to adopt more prudent standards? Either they did not recognize these mortgages as problematic, in which case they are incompetent, or they did and remained silent, which is worse. In either case, if they lacked the foresight or political will to prevent this crisis, how can we expect them to protect us from the next?"
Schiff quotes an op-ed of his from 2004 in which he not only identified that the Fed was inflating the housing bubble, he also predicted government's reaction when it popped.
"That so many are currently opting for ARMs reflects a level of real estate speculation unparalleled in American history. Homebuyers have been lured into this foolish choice by... a Fed chairman desperate to keep the real estate bubble inflating. Unfortunately, the longer the Fed remains "patient" with regard to raising short-term interest rates to appropriate levels, the more homeowners that will be lured into the ARM time bomb.
The real losers in this whole fiasco are likely to be those who did not even participate in the mania. As over-leveraged borrowers walk away from properties in which they have no equity, the Fed will most likely attempt to bail out both debtors and bank depositors (and the government-sponsored enterprises that insured the loans) with the most inflationary monetary policy ever undertaken in the history of central banking. The savings of an entire generation will be wiped out, as it will have been squandered to perpetuate the biggest real estate and consumer debt bubbles of all time."
You can't get any more accurate than that, but this isn't rocket science. People bought more house than they could afford because low interest rates made them seem affordable and because the CRA and Fannie and Freddie promoted a zero down payment policy. I can't help but wonder if Greenspan and Bernanke did this on purpose. But then again, the Ivy League is the world's greatest facility for brainwashing stupid beliefs into smart people, and Bernanke's from Princeton. But Greenspan was a Randian, so that makes no sense. I think this is getting through to the public. We need to elect people who understand economics like Schiff.


Getting and education without loans by living in a van. This is another sign of our devolution. Many mistakenly think of government loans for education, and everything else, as a step forward for civilization. They are not. They mask the reality this student illustrates - these are steps backward for civilization. Families should be able to afford higher education without loans or having to live like this. The same with everything else. Americans could afford it before government got involved. Government is what makes things so expensive and drags us back toward the dark ages.

Government school known as Heroin High. Here you have the tragic intersection of two failed government policies: the government monopoly on education and the war on drugs.


The lunacy of forcing insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions.

Health care oppression includes a marriage penalty.

Special interests including unions buying influence in the final health care oppression bill. That's what happens when we give our power to aristocrats to sell.


Obama dictates strict new smog regulations that will cost billions to meet. At 50,000 a job, every billion government costs us annually is 20,000 jobs. So much for Obama wanting to create jobs. This puts us one step close to the collapse of our economy.


Why is Interpol operating in the US anyway? Are we unable to police ourselves? The entire Special Report panel thinks it's OK that Interpol gets the same privileges and immunities as diplomats from foreign countries. Interpol is not a foreign country. It's a police organization. It has no business setting up an office in the US, let alone getting immunities for doing so.

Police and government security agencies attract perverts so they can use their government power to carry out their perversions. Another pervert cop.

Now you can go to jail just for writing checks over $9,000 but under $10,000 regardless of intent.
"In the case presented below, laws require banks to report transactions of $10,000 or more to the IRS. The IRS claims the alleged offenders attempted to skirt around this law by writing checks just under $10,000 so as to avoid detection by authorities and to evade taxation on income. In legal terms, this violation is called "structuring." It was initially defined in the context of drug dealers who would use many small bank transactions to evade detection. The IRS has elected to use this structuring law to prosecute anyone whom they can make it appear has attempted to evade government detection and therefore, taxation.
Now it is used against a Christian ministry that had no intent to defraud, and individual checks for $9500 and $9600 were cherry-picked over a 2-year period from among weekly checks written to make payroll. The employees were paid in cash and the checks were sometimes written for amounts as low as $2000 or as high as $12,000. Checks written for $6200 and $7800 were not considered "egregious enough.""
The power to tax is the power to steal and ultimately the power to destroy.


Boortz is almost right, but in a terribly wrong way. We are waging war against Middle Eastern Muslims. He seems happy about that, and he shouldn't be. It's a stupid war. It's a war we can't win. But we're waging it anyway. Instead of focusing on stopping the few hundred or maybe few thousand terrorists who are trying to kill us, we're waging war on 10s of millions of Arab Muslims. Where we used to have a few thousand enemies, we now have millions. In what world does that make sense? We have to stop waging war against every country that an al Qaeda cell pops up in and focus on the limited terrorist threat.

Double-agent who killed seven CIA agents in Afghanistan is a doctor from Jordan. We're creating enemies all over the Middle East, and this has nothing to do with poverty. It's the result of using tanks and bombs to remake the Middle East in our image.

TSA agents illustrate the natural consequence of government power.
"A TSA agent was arrested on January 3rd in Terminal One at LAX, a source told NBCLA. He had just gotten off duty and was behaving erratically, saying, "I am god, I’m in charge."

Meanwhile, a TSA Internal Affairs investigation turned up evidence of LAX TSA agents using drugs at an after-hours party."
We've given millions of people like this life and death power over us, and soon we'll give even more of them power over our health care.

Here's a simulated picture of how passengers really look on the nude image scanner. If the already pervert-ridden TSA applies these scanners indiscriminately to air travels, our so-called airport security will be overtaken by perverts who don't give a damn about security, only seeing naked pictures of whoever gets them excited. These are digital images captured on a computer, and no matter what software is on there to keep them from being saved, it will be hacked and these pictures will end up on the internet. And this gun would be detected by a metal detector.

How about naked minds in addition to naked bodies? Now government wants to employ mind-reading devices for airport security.

How much you want to bet this whole Heathrow security scare is a huge overreaction to next to nothing. This article even calls it a hoax. Terrorists don't make threats before planes take off. This will turn out to be another case of letting terrorists on planes but coming down with the heavy fist of government on ordinary citizens. Every rule made by government is made to overrule the human judgment that built civilization. This is another way government is the enemy of civilization.

Guantanamo detainees don't want to be moved from Gitmo because their treatment is so good.


Because Americans won't stop voting for the two anti-American parties, Bush and Republicans pushed the voters to the Democrats, and now Obama and the Democrats are pushing voters back to Republicans.
"Gallup polls for 2009 show: conservatives (40%) outnumbered both moderates (36%) and liberals (21%) across the nation in 2009."
We're like a ping-pong ball getting smacked from both sides, and we're too stupid to get out of the way and embrace freedom. Boortz hopes for split control of government. Gridlock is the best we can hope for, but we won't get gridlock even with split control. The two parties will compromise in their battle against each other but they'll never stop taking power from us. The best we can hope for as long as the two parties are in power is a moderately slower pace down the road to serfdom.

Chris Dodd resigning hurts Peter Schiff in the polls. That's why the party pressured him to resign.


Miller Lane Hooters waitress in Hooters calender. She must make a ton of money there to drive all the way from Trenton. Three other Ohio girls are in it. That's a high percentage.


It could be said that the advance of civilization depends on rejecting the principle that might makes right. Yet government is the ultimate human extension of the principle that might makes right. We all know that theft is wrong, but because the government has the monopoly on force - it has the ultimate might - the government steals from us in the form of taxes and tells us it legitimately has that power. Liberals are trying to push the idea that health care is a right which implies that government has the legitimate power to force people to labor against their will on behalf of others. That's slavery. So by accepting this position that government might makes right, we're devolving into a primitive society with theft and slavery at its core.

Boortz is making fun of Atlanta for coming to standstill over 1/2 inch of snow. But it's not just Atlanta. We had about 4 inches in Dayton, and you'd think it was some kind of catastrophe. When I was a kid, we didn't blink at four inches of snow. If wasn't a freezing rain and sleet storm or 12 inches, we went to school. And you never knew if you were going to school or not until you woke up in the morning and listened to the radio. Now weathermen forecast a few inches and schools are closing the night before regardless of what shows up. One of the measures of the advance of civilization from the time man got fire is his ability to overcome the weather. Civilization is devolving as the weather takes more control over our lives.

Here's my proposed constitutional amendment of the day:
"In addition to individual states' power to nullify federal laws already inherent in this Constitution, if one-third of the states determine to repeal any federal law, that law is repealed."
Let's empower the states to tear down this leviathan we've created.

Snowed in Britons flock to web service providing illicit affairs.

Trademarked smiley faces sugar cookies? How many mothers will they sue?

How the CIA uses drug smugglers, mobsters and labor leaders for political ends using the French Connection as an example.

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