Friday, January 15, 2010

Free kibbles


Obama likes to pretend that he wants to create jobs. He talks about it all the time, but he doesn't want to create jobs. Actions in the form of policies matter, not rhetoric. Obama's policies are all designed to kill jobs. So despite what Obama says about wanting banks to make loans, his tax on banks tells he doesn't want banks making loans so businesses can create jobs. Obama is masterfully carrying out his plan to destroy America and turn it into a communist country. Government is force. Government is violence. Obama is perpetrating more violence on Americans than any president since FDR so far. It could get worse. The difference today is most of the people understand that, and they won't remain passive victims of Obama for long. Obama might just fulfill his Lincolnesque desires by dragging America into a civil war. Anybody who ever says he wants to have a significant presidency like Lincoln should be disqualified from office. As Stanley Kurtz wrote about the founder of Black Liberation Theology:
"The black intellectual's goal, says Cone, is to "aid in the destruction of America as he knows it.""
That's exactly what Obama promised to do during the campaign, and that's exactly what he's doing.


Obama reaffirmed today that the federal government has abandoned the principle of equality under the law by exempting the Cadillac insurance plans of unions from his new tax.


Cato analysis digs into real cost of Obamacare and discovers that no matter how bad you already thought it was, it's way worse.
"Those mandates and subsidies would impose effective marginal tax rates on low-wage workers that would average between 53 and 74 percent— and even reach as high as 82 percent—over broad ranges of earned income. By comparison, the wealthiest Americans would face tax rates no higher than 47.9 percent.
Over smaller ranges of earned income, the legislation would impose effective marginal tax rates that exceed 100 percent. Families of four would see effective marginal tax rates as high as 174 percent under the Senate bill and 159 percent under the House bill. Under the Senate bill, adults starting at $14,560 who earn an additional $560 would see their total income fall by $200 due to higher taxes and reduced subsidies. Under the House bill, families of four starting at $43,670 who earn an additional $1,100 would see their total income fall by $870.
In addition, middle-income workers could save as much as $8,000 per year by dropping coverage and purchasing health insurance only when sick. Indeed, the legislation effectively removes any penalty on such behavior by forcing insurers to sell health insurance to the uninsured at standard premiums when they fall ill. The legislation would thus encourage "adverse selection"—an unstable situation that would drive insurance premiums, government spending, and taxes even higher."
Obamacare is designed to fail, it's always been designed to fail, and fail spectacularly, so Democrats can blame the "free market" and the insurance companies and then implement full-blown socialized medicine.

Al Gore and his anthropogenic global warming frauds are down right now, but we'd fools to count them out. All they need is one good hurricane to whip up the faithful again.


Police don't arrest fellow policeman for driving drunk and leading cops on a high speed chase. With video. It's good to be in the government club.


A great TSA line:
"if an airplane bomber wore a green shirt, the TSA would then ban the wearing of green shirts."
That's about it.

State Department publishes rendition of how Osama bin Laden might look today. If Bush had done this, liberals would have attacked him for fear-mongering.


Much fuming over the observation that gridlock is when government does the least amount of damage. I don't see why that's a controversial statement. I'm not saying government is good when gridlocked, but it's indisputably less bad.


Justice Dept. rejects subpoenas about why it dropped voting intimidation case against Black Panthers.

The Amish are exempt from Social Security and Medicare taxes, and they'll be exempt from Obamacare. Another example of how stupid we are.

Obama buddy Cass Sunstein advocates that government infiltrate and undermine any organization that disputes the government version of history.

US retains lead in science but China closes the gap. I bet if you subtract out all the money the US government spends on pseudo-science, it's a lot closer that we think.

I agree with the principle that the US should not take money from people by force to aid other countries, but with our current government, I don't think it would make sense not to use available US military resources to aid in Haiti. This doesn't stop them from defending America. On the contrary, it provides invaluable, real world scenario training. The PR issue carries no weight, imo. I would like to see our government funded by voluntary contributions, but it's not, and not using the military to help Haiti right now would have bad consequences for Americans.

Water based space launch cannon.

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