Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Free kibbles


Great quote from Judge Napolitano:
"Congress does not draw to its halls those who love liberty. It draws those who love power."
That's a fact.

Freedom declined in the world for the fourth straight year, and the US is leading that decline.


The downside of federal meddling in the housing market. There is no upside.


Study shows Obama's stimulus boondoggle didn't affect construction jobs or local unemployment. Of course. All it did was create some government jobs, and take workers away from productive jobs into unproductive jobs, making us all poorer. In an attempt to cover up the abject failure of his stimulus boondoggle, Obama is now just dividing dollars by salaries to determine how many jobs the stimulus created or saved. His stealing my technique for explaining how many productive jobs government programs destroy. At least it sounds like he's reading my blog, as he should.

It looks like Obama plans to tax all financial transactions, not just firms which received TARP funds. This is guaranteed to help crash our economy harder which fits perfectly with Obama's agenda.


I think Congress will debate tax and trade up to the moment the moraine of the glacier starts consuming the Capital building.


For this we burned down two countries, and hawks are pushing to set a third on fire. For this we've dedicated hundreds of thousands of American troops, over 10,000 of whom have died and our presence has lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Muslims inviting millions of other Muslims to take up arms against us.
"McChrystal, America's top general in Afghanistan, was reacting to a question from ABC's "World News" anchor Diane Sawyer who cited intelligence estimates that there are only 100 al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan while there are as many as 300 in Yemen.
"I don't think that this war's in the wrong place," McChrystal said in his exclusive interview with Sawyer. "I think that the Afghan people both need and deserve this assistance.""
Need and deserve bombs dropping on them? Need and deserve having the US government take the fate of their country out of their hands? Need and deserve having their children killed? Can you imagine if we had to invade and nation-build every country that al Qaeda wants to operate out of? Here's a list:
"The list of countries in which Al Qaeda has a bases really inpressive: Sudan, Nigeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bosnia, Croatia, Albania, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Philippines, Russia, Chechnya, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Kenya , Tanzania, Kashmir, India, United Kingdom, the Netherlands."
I understand that any American general is going to think his mission benefits the people, he has to, but this statement illustrates myopia and a lack of empathy and understanding that borders on delusion. Al Qaeda cannot be the real reason our aristocrats have our troops fighting in Afghanistan. It doesn't take 150,000 troops to take out or contain 100 fighters. I doubt this is all about an oil pipeline, I don't think it could be that simple, but it's not about al Qaeda.

Drone attacks kill 9 times as many civilians as terrorists.

Outstanding war blogger Michael Yon arrested by customs agents for refusing to state his income.
"Yon was returning to the United States from Hong Kong to visit family when CBP officials stopped him during a routine security checkpoint. “Officials asked me what was in my bag—nothing wrong with this question,” Yon said in an interview with BigGovernment.com. “I told them it was normal stuff, clothes and toothbrushes.”

At this point the Customs officials escorted Yon to a designated screening area where they examined the contents of his bag. “Then they asked me how much money I make,” Yon said. Yon suggested to the Customs officials that the question was inappropriate and unrelated to transportation security. The award-winning blogger noted another CBP officer approached Yon: “he asked who do I work for.” ”I did not answer the question which clearly was upsetting to the [CBP] officers.”Yon was escorted to a room elsewhere in the airport where he said he remained silent during much of the questioning. According to Yon, “they handcuffed me for failing to cooperate. They said I was impeding their ability to do their job.”"

Our soldiers think they're fighting for freedom. This is not freedom. This is violence by our government against a US citizen. These agents should be prosecuted for abrogation of rights under color of law.

Americans need to understand what our actions in the Middle East look like to middleeasterners.
"To better understand why Osama bin Laden is so far winning his struggle to oust the western powers from the Muslim world, let us go back to 1986, when I was covering the anti-Soviet war in then almost unknown Afghanistan.
Then, Azzam told me, "when we have driven the Communist imperialists from Afghanistan, we will go on and drive the American imperialists from Arabia and the rest of the Muslim world."
Sheik Abdullah Azzam was the teacher and spiritual mentor of a young Saudi named Osama bin Laden. Azzam gave bin Laden the blueprint for his later war against the west."
We think we're doing the Muslims in the countries we invade and set up American-style governments favors. The intentions of the American people and the American forces are good. We think we're spreading freedom. But the people in those countries don't see it that way, and the intentions of the aristocrats who send our troops there are not good. Now the terrorists are retaliating against us. We don't have to sit back and take it. We have to hunt them down and kill them before they kill us, but invading more countries is the problem, not the solution. The war on terror needs to be an intelligence war in which we get mainstream Muslims on our side against the terrorists who are their natural enemy, not a military war that invites mainstream Muslims to join the terrorists against us.
"Bin Laden proclaimed his grand strategy in the 1990’s. He would oust the modern "Crusaders’ by luring the US and its allies into a series of small, debilitating, hugely expensive wars to bleed and slowly bankrupt the US economy, which he called America’s Achilles’ heel."
As expensive as these wars are, $200 billion per year, and that's another fine reason to end them, our domestic policies, about $3 trillion a year, are bankrupting us much faster. Combined, our debt is quickly sinking us to the trash heap of history.
"US airport security officials will be even more panicked when they learn a jihadist recently tried to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s interior minister, Prince Nayef, by detonating a bomb secreted in his rectum. Will we soon bend and spread for security – just like in prisons?"
It's going to get worse. Soon they'll be surgically implanted in stomachs and breasts.
"American soldiers are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. US Special Forces, air units and CIA mercenaries are involved in combat operations in Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, West Africa, North Africa and the Philippines. A new US base at Djibouti is launching raids into Yemen, Somalia and northern Kenya."
It can't be coincidence that we get attacked from Yemen after the US sets up a base and begins secretly attacking Yemen. We didn't get attacked from Yemen before then.
"Al-Qaida is no longer the tiny organization founded by Osama bin Laden that never numbered more than 300 hard-core members. It has morphed into a worldwide movement of like-minded but independent, revolutionary, anti-American groups that share Osama’s militant philosophy. This is precisely the kind of "asymmetrical warfare" the Pentagon has so long feared."
And we made that happen by waging war in Iraq and in Afghanistan for eight years after we ousted al Qaeda.


Helping elect a Republican to Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat may be the best way to stop Obamacare.

To save Harry Reid's corrupt career, Democrats plan to attack Republicans as racists. Don't you just love how Barack Obama led us into a post-racial society? Democrats will never give up treating blacks as second class citizens unable to survive without the condescending, paternalistic party, and they'll never give up playing the race card because it's how they stay in power. If blacks en mass woke up to how Democrat attitudes and policies keep many trapped as second-class citizens, the Democrat party would collapse and have to reinvent itself. No aristocrat wants that.


Banned VW commercial. As funny as it is, anybody who thought it was a good idea is an idiot.

Walmart fires greeter for defending himself against a punk that punched him.

California is a failed state, crushed by its government.

It looks like the Chinese government hacked Google and read the emails of Chinese human rights activists. Google will show China by pulling out.

Dad calls cops because six year old refuses to go to school.
"Homer said it is not uncommon for parents to call the police when their children need encouragement or become unruly."
Lovely. This is the kind of stupidity we've bred by allowing government to dominate our lives.

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