Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Free kibbles


George Soros funds effort to expunge free market economics from mainstream economics. The fraud continues. Michael Moore and Soros keep blaming the failures of government intervention in markets on free markets. What a joke. Moore and Soros both know the truth. They're just lying. We haven't had a free market in the US for so long, we wouldn't know what one looks like. The closest thing we have to a free market is the internet, and business on it is still thriving. We can't have that now, can we?


More Americans believe in haunted houses, 37 percent, than believe that man is warming the planet, 36 percent.

Solar cycle 24 produces a significant sunspot. Finally. Hopefully this means we're not going into a new ice age.

John McCain realizes Waxman-Markey bill is a farce. Waxman-Markey will have no impact on climate. Cap and trade likely to be the biggest tax in history. Spain loses 2.2 jobs for every green job created.


Obama signs thought crimes bill into law.


Now the government wants to control the internet during a flu pandemic. I guess they're afraid the computers will get sick too. Obama really used the power of the internet to his advantage over McCain, and the aristocrats want to make sure that no outsider or upstart can ever do that again.


Taliban kills over 100 in attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Conservative Angela Merkel is re-elected chancellor of Germany. I thought liberals dominated Europe. At least that's what the press used to tell me.

Government has regulated airlines so much their service sucks and is getting worse. I don't think for a minute that airlines are safer than they were on 9/11. While TSA agents are busy stripping old ladies to get their personal kicks (you know they have contests about this just like cops have contests about who can tase the most innocent people), a terrorist could still sneak a weapon on board. I think all this regulation has once again lulled many into a false sense of security.

Gamma ray burst at 13.1 billion light years away the farthest object ever observed.

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