Monday, October 19, 2009

Free kibbles


Observing the natural laws of property rights played out in orderly fashion through human action at the beach.

On the attempts to redefine the word freedom to be consistent with socialism.

Economic analysis of the not free flu shot.

How do any of these charges apply to the balloon hoax? Just because the government and press is gullible (I wasn't drawn to this story once during the day) doesn't make the father a criminal. What this showed was how incredibly stupid and reactionary, instead of thoughtful, the government and the press are. Government is angry that it was exposed this way, and it wants revenge. Everybody should have ignored this non-story, and if the father was really concerned about the kid, he could have followed and picked him up when the balloon came down. If the boy had been inside and died, he would be punished enough by the death of his son.

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