Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Free kibbles


The Federal Housing Authority took over responsibility for guaranteeing subprime mortgages once Fannie and Freddie failed, and as anybody with half a brain would expect, it now needs bailed out to the tune of $54 billion. We have the stupidest, because it's the biggest, government in the world. Or maybe not. Maybe this is part of Obama's plan to destroy America.

Moody's economist predicts 10.5 percent unemployment by next summer and 8 percent unemployment for several more years. Of this economist also supported Obama's stimulus boondoggle which proves he knows nothing about economics. Whenever any economist gets on TV, the hosts should bring up their predictions from before the crash so the people can see whether or not they have any credibility.

Obama supports the government-created sugar cartel which transfers wealth from all of us to the American sugar producers, kills jobs and makes us all poorer.
"For makers of confectionary products and breakfast cereals, for example, sugar accounts for 20 to 30 percent of the total cost of production. As a consequence, "Many U.S. (sugar-containing product) manufacturers have closed or relocated to Canada where sugar prices average less than half of U.S. prices and Mexico where sugar prices average about two-thirds of U.S. prices."
The Commerce report surveys the damage: Ferrara Pan Candy in Forest Park, Ill., closed its domestic facilities and eliminated 500 jobs while opening one plant in Mexico and two in Canada. Long a hub for the confectionary industry, the Chicago area lost 4,000 jobs in the industry from 1991 to 2001, including 1,000 jobs at Brachs facilities."
Thanks, government.


Headline of the decade.

Federal programs suffer from chronic corruption, fraud and cost overruns. Duh. There's no such thing as good government. There's only less bad government. By its very nature, government cannot be efficient because it's a monopoly based on force, not a service provider operating in a competitive, voluntary system of exchange. The smaller a government is, the closer to the people it is, the less bad it is. The federal government needs to be cut in half just for starters.


Even people with insurance in Massachusetts are being fined for not having enough insurance according to the politicians and bureaucrats. Thanks Mitt Romney for forcing this crap on the people on Massachusetts and making it the model for Obamacare.

Democrats targeting women for health care push. Democrats know where their bread is buttered. It's no coincidence that the size of government exploded after women got the vote.

Maine Republican Senator Olympia Snowe joins Democrats in voting for the Baucus bill even though there is no actual bill. No text. They voted for a concept having never read the bill they voted for because that bill is not written.
"Even the Congressional Budget Office, which issued a report this week saying the Baucus plan would cost under $900 billion instead of more than a trillion, was operating without actual text."
That's one way to make the costs appear lower. This is dereliction of duty. If Congresscrooks can't bother to write and read the bills they vote for, then Congress is illegitimate. The people of Maine and the states those Democrats come from let the country down again. Details on how much the Baucus bill will raise the price of health insurance. Baucus bill actually costs $2 trillion over 10 years, just like all the others. It would increase the deficit.
"In 1994, the CBO effectively killed the Clinton health plan by counting its private-sector mandates as part of the cost. This time around, congressional leaders wrote their bills so that CBO wouldn't count them. But it's just a gimmick — the mandates are still part of this bill's cost."
There is no free lunch. Plus it leaves 25 million people uninsured. Grading the Baucus bill.

British government misdiagnoses man, claiming he had cancer, then stuck him hospice and denied him food, water and medication until he died. This is the future of health care in America. Democrats have been remarkably successful at limiting the current health care debate to just the bills (and I use that term loosely) involved today, but the health care debate should include the the context. Whatever bill passes isn't the last. Congress will come back in a few years and grab more power. And more power a few years later. Each new law is another step on the path we've been following for 67 years - the inexorable path to socialized medicine that will inevitably come if we don't stop the process first. Every time government succeeds in taking the next step, the harder it becomes to reverse course and move back toward freedom. Anybody who myopically focuses on the current bills in Congress instead of this process is failing himself and every American.


The BBC seems embarrassed to report that the planet has been cooling since 1998.

Republican Lindsay Graham working with John Kerry on tax and trade. You can bet John McCain will be on board too. These guys should read that BBC article. Who am I kidding? All of these crooks know darn good and well the planet isn't warming. This is about grabbing power for themselves at our expense.

Man, this summary of the real science of man's impact on climate destroys the frauds.
"The devastating analysis of cloud-albedo effects shortly to be published by Dr. Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama at Huntsville will show that the UN has wrongly decided that cloud changes reinforce greenhouse warming, when in fact they substantially offset it."
It was only a couple months ago that I predicted this.


We should make peace with the Taliban and try to develop connections with them to use in against al Qaeda. Absolutely. We should not be involved in an Afghan civil war. Al Qaeda is our enemy, not the Taliban.


This video on iconography makes a great point, but Republicans didn't lose because of iconography. They lost because they nearly doubled the size of government in eight years. Bush was most successful Democrat at expanding government power since LBJ.

Republicans capitalize on ACORN's problems to push for repeal of the CRA.


Obama is still wrong about Honduras.

Russia refuses to agree to Iranian sanctions. Sanctions at this point are worthless. The mullahs have been working to develop the bomb for 20 years. They're now a year or so away. Sanctions aren't going to stop them. Once again, Obama's appeasement of Russia produces nothing in return. The Obama-Clinton foreign policy team, the top two leaders of Democrats, might surpass Carter's for endangering the US.


This essay about President Obama becoming a joke is worth reading for more than this line:
"Why squander your presidency on trying to turn an economically moribund feudal backwater into a functioning nation state when you can turn a functioning nation state into an economically moribund feudal backwater?"
But that's an awesome line.

You have to be pretty twisted to think that a boy encouraging a girl to have sex is abuse. Somebody needs to teach this guy about the birds and the bees.

Top 20 things Obama doesn't say. This is a cute list, but it's more useful for showing the errors that corrupt the conservative movement:
"One of the beautiful things about our constitution is the liberty given to individuals to pursue their dreams. There is great opportunity in our country to succeed."
Liberty given to individuals? Conservatives tend to think of government as benevolent masters who give us liberty. Wrong! And why do we have to protect our allies? Why can't they protect themselves? The EU's GDP is $14.91 trillion, larger than our $14.29 trillion yet we have 116,400 US troops stationed in Europe. That's just stupid. It's a similar story for South Korea and Japan, though Japan pays for a large percentage of our costs for troops there.
"No other country on earth offers its citizens the opportunity to pursue life, liberty, and happiness as does the United States of America."
And this is not true any more, and we can't keep lying to ourselves saying it is true. Hong Kong has significantly higher economic freedom and therefore significantly greater freedom to pursue happiness. We're sixth on the index of economic freedom.
"The goal of my presidency is not to implement a political ideology, but to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
How come conservatives never demanded that from George Bush? (Rhetorical question.)

Woman writes book claiming she had 15 abortions in 17 years as a way of rebelling against her husband. This woman is a monster. I would like to think doctors would turn her down when she came back in, but how much of a monster would she be to a child if she couldn't get an abortion? And now she's a mother and stepmother.
"I am worried about my safety and the hate mail. I just imagine the "baby killer" stuff and I could be a poster child for that kind of fundamentalism."
She knew what she was getting into when she decided to publish this book. She invited hell onto her entire family. It almost sounds like she's trying to get somebody to kill her. Notice she doesn't bring up fearing for her children. This woman needs serious help. Her husband should dump her like a hot potato and use this book as leverage in the divorce and get those poor children as far away from her as possible.

It turns out the UAW didn't make any meaningful concessions for the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies.

Britain is the worst place to live in Europe. That's not going to help Gordon Brown's liberals. The Queen should call an election.

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