Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Free kibbles


Pay fuhrer to slash pay for executives at private firms.
"The U.S. pay czar will slash compensation for the 25 highest-paid employees at seven firms receiving large sums of government aid and demand a host of corporate-governance changes at those firms, according to people familiar with the matter."
This is to guarantee these firms will fail, then Obama can say that he tried using the free market and it failed, so for the good of country he has to seize these companies and turn America into a socialist country.


I think Social Security, as much as people don't like to think of it as one, is a welfare program already. It has the illusion of being otherwise because the benefit is tied to how much you pay in, but that tie is arbitrarily determined by politicians. It's not like your payments sit in a savings account earning interest until you draw on it.

Here come the new taxes over our protests.

One consequence for cash for clunkers is becoming more clear as dealers are unable to find inexpensive used cars to sell to people who need them. The consequences of government destruction of wealth continue to drag us down.

Cost of aircraft carriers. Why do we need 10? Why are we building three more? These total costs are deception, though. We pay tremendously more for weapons that are only slightly superior to Russia's. We have to get our military costs under control, and that starts with redefining the role of the military to be for defense instead of nation-building, policing the world, making the world safe for democracy, projection of power, protection of US interests abroad or whatever euphemism aristocrats come up with for waging foreign wars.


Britain's counterpart to Ben Bernanke suggests breaking up banks that are too big to fail because he understands the banks are always going to be ahead of the regulators and they're control the regulators. I like how this article says he's not a socialist, but that's exactly what he is. Central banking is government controlling the means of production of money. It's pure socialism.


Wolf Blitzer makes Obama adviser David Axelrod look like a fool for paying lip service to competition but opposing allowing the the sale of health insurance across state lines. I'm sure Wolf was embarrassed for his buddy. He obviously expected a better answer.

Mises scholar goes after the Wall Street Journal writer for supporting the public option.

Democrats selling favors to states to buy votes from senators. This is one of many ways they use our tax dollars against us.

Man joins army to get health care to treat his wife's cancer. This is why government is intent on destroying our health care system - to gain complete control over the life of every American.

Liberal admits that the health oppression plan isn't about helping people live longer, healthier lives. Since he can't admit what it's really about, power, he claims it's about helping anxiety for people who don't have coverage. Let's spend a couple trillion dollars reducing the life span and health of the people because it eliminates some anxiety. Can you say vote buying?

Democrats threaten health care companies for criticism of their health oppression plan (for not going far enough). How dare they speak against Great Pharaoh?

Cato policy analysis explains how free market reforms would meet Obama's stated goals for health care reform. The problem is that Obama's stated goals aren't the real goals. Obama's real goal is to grab power for himself and his cronies, move the country left through force of government and collapse the system.

The many ways that the government health insurance option would compete unfairly with private insurance and put private insurers out of business.


British climate skeptic claims UN treaty on global warming, about to be signed by Obama, eviscerates US sovereignty and establishes a world government. That's to be expected. The global warming fraud has always been about implementing world-wide communism. We'll have to kill this treaty in the Senate. Includes link to a powerful video. The link to the draft text of the treaty doesn't work though. The document was probably removed so we couldn't read it. Here is Lord Mockton's entire 95 minute speech. The draft text links works. The problem was with my pdf reader. This from the draft:
"The government will be ruled by the COP [Conference of the Parties] with the support of a new subsidiary body on adaptation, and of an Executive Board responsible for the management of the new funds and the related facilitative processes and bodies. The current Convention secretariat will operate as such, as appropriate."
That sounds like an attempt to create a world government to me.


In praise of Obama ending raids on medical marijuana parties in states where it's legal.
"Arguments for and against decriminalization of some or all drugs are familiar by now. Distilled to the basics, the drug war has empowered criminals while criminalizing otherwise law-abiding citizens and wasted billions that could have been better spent on education and rehabilitation."
That's it in a nutshell.

Good for Mark Cuban for saying steroid use should not be criminal.

Afghan opium does not fuel global chaos. The war on drugs fuels global chaos. This is a wonderful article for exposing the disastrous failure of the stated goal of the war on drugs - though that's not it's point. Of course, since the real goal of the misnamed war on drugs is to create chaos and empower politicians, police, prosecutors, judges, jailers, jail companies, cigarette companies, alcohol companies, cotton companies, etc., etc., etc. and take freedom from us all you realize the program has been fantastically successful.


In response to Republican criticism that Obama is wasting time getting troops to Afghanistan, Democrats counter that Republicans didn't care about Afghanistan for seven years. One one level, that's a reasonable response and if this was a school yard game of kickball, it would be appropriate. But Americans are dying in Afghanistan so childish attacks and comebacks from the crooks in Washington, no matter how accurate, are inappropriate. I can't help but visualize a bunch of elementary school social misfits running around pointing fingers at each other and hitting each other with sticks then running away.


Another Mao admirer in Obama's White House. I told you this would be the norm. Obama is a communist wannabe, and we've known that since long before he was elected.
"We know that the free market is nonsense. We know that the whole point is to game the system ... we know that this is largely about power. That this is an adults only, no limit game. We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun."
He's describing government, not a free market. You can't game the free market. You can only convince people to buy your products voluntarily. Government has the monopoly on force. But one part of this is true: the idea that we have a free market in the US is nonsense.

It's none of the federal government's business if the people of Kinston, NC get rid of party affiliation for local elections or not. Of course Pharaoh Obama thinks otherwise. And naturally his decision is all about race. Apparently Obama thinks black people are too ignorant to vote "correctly" unless the candidates have an 'R' or 'D' next to their name. I'm sure the vast majority of Americans think otherwise. Who's the racist?

I might be the only person in America who doesn't care that Sarah Palin will be on Oprah.

Democrats discover that racism isn't a factor in the tea parties - they are being driven by fear of government. Who said Democrats were slow? Apparently this mentality affects 20 percent of the electorate. If that 20 percent had voted Libertarian last election, Obama's agenda would be dead in its tracks and both Democrats and Republicans would be fighting to reduce government to get those votes. On the flip side, how inept is the Libertarian Party that it can't reach that 20 percent? Still voting Libertarian in large numbers, they don't have to win, is the only way to move the party toward smaller government.

The rise of the oath-keepers.

Obama must be a fan of this movie or play.


How government convicted an innocent man (a successful lawyer) of a non-crime and let a criminal (a governor) go for the same non-crime.
"The legal term for this activity is "structuring," and readers might remember that Elliot Spitzer, a.k.a. "Client Number 9," was caught doing something similar (except he was making small withdrawals rather than deposits). However, there is a huge difference between the two acts. Gaskins did not make his deposits in order to cover up any illegal activity, while Spitzer did.
Thus, it seems to be the perfect commentary on federal criminal law that Spitzer never was charged while Gaskins faces more than 30 years in prison. This is a compelling story, and as one who has seen injustice after injustice in the federal system, this perhaps is the worst injustice I ever have seen."
This is a phenomenal story.
"Over the years, Gaskins would represent more than 20 clients facing the death penalty, nearly all too poor to afford their own lawyers. In recent years, though, Gaskins carved a niche representing clients in massive federal drug conspiracy cases. His clients stretched across this state and into others."
Prosecutors targeted him because of his success as a defense lawyer.

Taser tells police not to aim at victims' chests. Tasers should be banned. If a policeman needs to use lethal force, he should use his gun. If he doesn't need to use lethal force, he should not electrocute anybody.


I would love to see this deal to have France and Russia enrich uranium for Iran go through, but this could still be a bait and switch. We also need full access to Iranian sites to prove they're not enriching weapons grade uranium internally. More details.
"David Albright of the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security, which has tracked Iran for signs of covert proliferation, said any deal would buy only a limited amount of time. He said Tehran could replace 2,600 pounds of low-enriched uranium "in little over a year.""
I'll take a year. Anything that will keep the mullahs from the bomb and keep us from bombing them is a plus, but this article makes it sound like we know a lot more about Iran's program than the news is informing us. I sure hope that's true, and I hope this agreement comes with free access to guarantee there is no hidden weapons program.

Cato suggest Europe would be better off without a central government like ours, and I wholeheartedly agree.

China is no risk to the US, and we should encourage our Pacific allies to use their own resources to deter China, not ours. It's arguable that in the wake of WWII, when Europe and Japan were reduced to rubble, when Korea was a farming community, and when the Soviet Union was expanding, that we needed to be the world's policeman. I don't know if that's true or not, but it's arguable. It's not arguable today. With the rebuilding of Europe and Japan and the emergence of South Korea, China and India and the collapse of the Soviet Union, it's indefensible, immoral and counterproductive for us to spend our resources being the world's policeman.


Author thinks Obama's biggest flaw is he's too perfect. I think I'm going to puke.

No wonder 63 percent of Americans say that news stories are often inaccurate.

This Orwellian quote makes me think Obama has bigger plans for silencing Foxnews.
"To what is the underlying rationale for this hypersensitive strategy of trying to delegitimize the voice of cable opposition? "We're doing what we think is important to make sure news is covered as fairly as possible," a White House official explained to Politico."
Foxnews lawyers better be gearing up for a fight.


Dolphins play water polo with jellyfish.

Chicago Mayor Daley orders all non-union city workers to take 24 days off next year unpaid. Just non-union?

Man joins army to get health care to treat his wife's cancer. This is why government is intent on destroying our health care system - to gain complete control over the life of every American.

Obama is even ruining Monday Night Football.

Yet another government study considered foundational is discovered to be inaccurate because it wasn't science, it was politics masquerading as science to promote smoking bans. Government money corrupts everything it touches including science.

It's amazing how leftists refuse to admit how and why we won the Cold War.

After many months, Main St. in Dayton is reopened just in time for the mayoral election. This is another way government uses our money against us to the advantage of aristocrats. Main St. was fine six months ago. I'm sure it's fine now. But we have to have a party to celebrate. I would personally like to thank Pharaoh Obama for enabling the city to tear up a perfectly fine street and cost us so much money for six months or so.

Facts on flu vaccines.

People are still investigating JFK's assassination.

Super wi-fi network created after FCC gives up grip on bandwidth. Why does the FCC control this?

Amazing photo-real pencil drawings.

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