Monday, October 12, 2009

Free kibbles


Obama won't let the housing market work, and he's causing more pain because of it.
"It's not compassion to steal from some to give to others. It is using violence to accomplish your ends, which, in this case, only delays necessary pain. No new wealth is created. It is merely shuffled around from spot to spot by force. It is you who are being robbed to pay for the mistakes of these homebuyers. Even Americans who didn't participate in the boom are being punished, made to cover the bad purchases of others."
There's nothing compassionate about welfare of any kind. We should end welfare in our time, not expand it.

First woman wins the Nobel Prize for economics. I don't care if the winner is a man, woman or eunuch. All I care is if they understand economics, and since this woman claims to have developed a method for multiple people to manage common property, in other words, she thinks she's developed a socialist solution the tragedy of the commons, I'm skeptical. The Austrians seem impressed with these picks, but no clarification as to what the theories mean yet.

Why you've never heard of the Depression of 1920. Because government didn't turn it into the Great Depression like it did 10 years later and like we're doing now.

Tire tariffs make us all poorer.

Who would have thought that giving loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them back was a good idea?


Senate plan will cause rates to rise. Every time government interferes in the economy it makes things more expensive and makes us all poorer. It can't do anything else. It's kind of pathetic though that, since this plan is ostensibly about making health care more affordable, it does just the opposite. If they really wanted to make health care cheaper at the cost of raising the price of everything else in the economy, they should just subsidize it. Of course that never works like they claim to hope either. Most of the subsidies just line the pockets of the recipients who reduce the price of their product very little.


I don't see anything wrong with Gore's handlers cutting off this guy's mike. He was trying to monopolize the time. Obviously Gore was not going to give him a straight answer. This guy took his shot. He has to accept Gore's non-answer and move on and let somebody else ask a question.


I'm all for T. Boone Pickens investing his own money in transforming America from oil to natural gas, but I do not support having the government take money from us by force to implement the Pickens plan, which would just line Pickens's pockets.


High Tech weaponry employed in Pittsburgh at the G-20 summit.
"Mounted in the turret of an Armored Personnel Carrier (APC), I saw the LRAD in action twice in the area of 25th, Penn and Liberty Streets of Lawrenceville, an old Pittsburgh neighborhood. Blasting a shrill, piercing noise like a high-pitched police siren on steroids, it quickly swept streets and sidewalks of pedestrians, merchants and journalists and drove residents into their homes, but in neither case were any demonstrators present. The APC, oversized and sinister for a city street, together with lines of police in full riot gear looking like darkly threatening Michelin Men, made for a scene out of a movie you didn’t want to be in."
Welcome to the US police state. Article lists up and coming police state technologies.


Democrat compares Republicans to the Taliban and Hamas because the criticize awarding the Nobel Peace prize to President Obama. Remember when conservatives complained that Democrats were siding with the terrorists? This is getting real old.


Initial reviews of Windows Vista were positive. Don't believe early reviews.

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