Friday, October 23, 2009

Free kibbles


We've already gotten all the bang out of the stimulus we're going to. I disagree. I think the stimulus will continue to damage our economy next year just like it damaged our economy this year.


FCC writing net neutrality rules. This is the nose of the camel entering the tent of controlling free speech on the internet. Good for McCain for trying to block it. He has no hope of succeeding. Is this a Fairness Doctrine for the internet?


Simple desert island allegory helps understand the economics of health insurance and health care.

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee can't tell reporter where the Constitution gives government the power to mandate people buy health insurance.

Comparing famous works of literature to the Baucus bill, it becomes obvious that the bill is about control.


Fewer Americans are drinking Al Gore's kool-aid.
"Only about a third, or 36 percent of the respondents, feel that human activities — such as pollution from power plants, factories and automobiles — are behind a temperature increase."
That's why the frauds have become more outrageously irresponsible with their alarmism.


George Will lampoons Obama's naked attempt to buy votes from seniors with a $250 check in the name of Social Security.

Long than usual essay from Doug Bandow warns of Social Security's impending collapse and explains that our entitlement culture will end whether we want it to or not. The only question is will we end it with as little pain as possible or not, and with the two parties in power, the answer is undoubtedly it will end with maximum pain. You can't help but wonder if one motivation for our politicrooks pushing Obamacare is to reduce longevity and make Social Security and Medicare sustainable. It's obscene what the two parties make us wonder about.


Republicans send out political letter requesting donations masquerading as official census forms.

The tremendous drop in Obama's approval ratings from Q2 to Q3 is the single biggest drop in that quarter for a first year president since polling began, and one of the biggest drops ever for a first year president.

Empathizing with totalitarians is not key to being popular with everybody. It's key to being popular with liberals.


Iran backing away from deal to let France and Russia enrich uranium. Surprise, surprise.


Obama's Health and Human Services secretary to donate swine flu vaccines to foreign countries before meeting US demand. What country is Obama president of again?

New video of ACORN in Philadelphia released that exposes ACORN's claims as lies.

Norway publishes all tax returns online. You've got to be kidding me. This is another reason to abolish the income tax.

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