Sunday, October 04, 2009

Free kibbles


Why everybody should own gold.
"If we divide the money supply by the number of ounces the U.S. could back its paper with – and here we’d have to decide what measure of money supply we want to use. Nobody, including the Federal Reserve, actually knows how much money they have floating around out there. It would seem that there are about six trillion dollars outside the U.S. alone. Let’s estimate that M0 in the U.S., the narrowest measure of money supply that consists of just notes and coins, amounts to one trillion. So, 265 million into seven trillion gives you about $26,420 dollars per ounce of gold."


2010 Tax Foundation ranking of state business climates. Ohio is 47th again.


Explaining fractional reserve banking. With video. Interesting point that NO fiat currency in history has survived. Our fiat currency is doomed too.

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