Saturday, September 27, 2008

Free kibbles

Senate passed $634 billion spending bill 78-12. When will the public force Republicans to quit pretending they support smaller government? Boortz has more on this continuing resolution. Apparently it was intentionally done in a back room deal and raced through Congress before anybody could read it. The Democrat who spearheaded this bill, House Appropriation Committee Chairman Obey, is proud of keeping it a secret from the people, the press and our representatives.

Having just lifted the ban on offshore drilling, a top priority of Democrats next year will be to put it back. Letting the ban lapse is just an election year ploy.

Venezuela is buying $1 billion in Russian weapons. Lovely.

Chinese astronauts perform first space walk.

Entertaining video show how much money Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac gave to key Democrats to cover up their corruption.

Democrats are trying to use this bailout to fund a permanent slush fund so they funnel money to ACORN and other radical community organizer groups. ACORN struck pay dirt when it hired Obama. I wonder why McCain hasn't made ACORN an issue. He should force Obama to defend that Marxist group every day. House Republican majority leader Boehner identifies the huge pork allocations in the bill for Democrat special interest groups including ACORN.

Paul Newman died.

Where in the world did Bill Clinton suddenly find this newfound honesty, including acknowledging his Fannie and Freddie policy was partly responsible for this financial meltdown? He doesn't go all the way and point out the widespread corruption between Fannie, Freddie, and Democrats, but he does criticize Democrats for their failure to allow oversight of the GSEs. Clinton wants Obama to lose so bad, he's willing to tell the truth for once.

CNN has a nice article showing how Iraq is moving forward with elections and political reconciliation enabled by the success of the surge, just as promised. Joe Biden lies about the reconciliation, just like Obama and most Democrats. I bet newly honest Bill Clinton would acknowledge the progress.

Illinois is investigating a grant given by Obama to a supporter in 2001. Do you think the media blanket this story like they have the trooper gate story in an attempt to smear Sarah Palin? They've ignored Obama's multiple millions in grants to Rezko and other corrupt Chicago slumlords, so I don't think they'll even blink an eye at this.

Stanley Kurtz provides an update on how Obama's buddies from the Chicago Annenberg Challenge attempted to cover up and deny access to their records to keep the public from discovering the extent of the relationship between Obama and Bill Ayers. Kurtz published private email between the parties.

Ron Paul votes against disaster recovery bill for his own district. Good for him. His words and his actions jive.

Article shows how the press blanketed coverage of Enron, but virtually ignored the much greater corruption and hazard of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That's media bias. Because the press hates capitalism, they were all over the Enron scandal like it was the end of the world, but because the press loves socialism, they buried the Fannie and Freddie story. It borders on criminal that Chris Dodd and Barney Frank still have their jobs.

Congressman tells Jews and blacks they should be scared of Sarah Palin because she owns guns and hunts moose. Can you imagine if a Republican had said that? Can you imagine if anybody had said that about a black person or a Jew or a Muslim? It's unbelievable the crap that Democrats get away with, and it's unbelievable the crap Christians have to put up with. This man should be forced to resign immediately.

John Stossel says the goverment should stay out of the market and let it deal with the financial crisis. He explains that the existence of Fannie and Freddie perverted the mortgage market.

Before the debate, I thought McCain's idea to suspend his campaign and work on the mortgage bailout, uniting Republicans behind a solution with free market principles, was a great idea just like Dick Morris. But to make it worthwhile, McCain had to deliver on it in the debate. But by Morris's own account, he didn't. His failure to powerfully differentiate his jumping into the debate while Obama campaigned, and his protection of the taxpayers money by urging loans instead of a buyout is hard to understand.

The BBC purposely biasing its programs for global warming propaganda? Say it isn't so.

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