Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Free kibbles

Because the EU declined to impose sanctions on Russia, Russia declares diplomatic victory over its invasion of Georgia. Makes sense to me. The west make Russia pay a meaningful price for its invasion, but so far nobody is willing to do that.

Democrats try to rationalize why Obama is doing so much worse compared to McCain compared to generic polls of Democrats versus Republicans. What's missing from this analysis is that Obama is the most terrible, dangerous candidate in modern history, even worse than Carter (who won, btw, so don't think it can't happen here) and McGovern.

Boortz suggests that we put Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid next to each other and asks what do we see. I see Obama, Biden and the proven failed policies of Nixon-Carter and FDR. I don't think that's what Boortz was suggesting, but it's what I see. Boortz was alluding to the Marxist philosophy of Pelosi, Reid, and Obama. Duh. That's like saying birds fly. But I still wonder which of our only 2 choices is better: an Obama presidency with Pelosi and Reid in charge of large majorities in each house and Republicans united and fighting tooth and nail against Marxism or a McCain presidency with Pelosi and Reid in charge of large majorities in each house and Republicans pliant and willing to go along with every Marxist proposal. I reject both options. Vote Libertarian.

In another step toward the singularity, Stanford comp sci students teach autonomous helicopters to learn.

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