Sunday, September 14, 2008

Free kibbles

Lehman Brothers is set to file bankruptcy. Man, I hope the US government doesn't bail them out too. But on what grounds can they fail to bail them out? On what principle? Government aristocrats have no principles.

This hurricane Ike story starts out with the pitiful plight of 2,000 people who have been rescued from Galviston. These poor people, who we're supposed to feel sorry for and blame our government for, chose to ignore a mandatory evacuation order and not only put themselves in danger, but put rescuers in danger as well. They abdicated their responsibility to take care of themselves, and we're supposed to feel sorry for them because they don't know where they're going. That's what happens when you surrender your personal responsibility for your own life to government. They have been seduced by poisonous, ubiquitous liberalism into thinking it's everybody else's responsibility to take care of them - not their own, not their family's, and they didn't even avail themselves of the taxpayer funded public evacuation provided - and we're supposed to be upset with government that it didn't do enough. They have consumed huge amounts of other people's tax dollars with their irresponsible self-indulgence, and we shouldn't pity them. We should make sure every one of these idiots is forced to repay to taxpayers for the high price of their rescue because of their selfishness and laziness.

Dust devils on Mars.

Obama has record fundraising month in August, but that's nearly all the money he has available. He's been spending like corrupt Washington politician, and he's still behind in the polls.

Federal judge rules that Federal harassment of medical marijuana patients and state officials violates the 10th amendment. If the federal law is constitutional, it supercedes state law. So that means that this judge basically declared the federal law against marijuana unconstitutional.

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