Saturday, September 13, 2008

Free kibbles

Bob Woodward credits next generation technology in unmanned drones for squashing the terrorists and insurgents in Iraq. Contrary to what Barack Obama and Democrats are trying to tell us, political reconciliation is happening in Iraq. The government has now met 15 of the 18 benchmarks set before the surge. By all measures, the surge has been a resounding success.

Congratulations to the EU for brokering a deal for Russia to withdraw from Georgia except for South Ossetia and Abkhazia. This is a European problem, and the Europeans should take the lead with the US providing diplomatic and economic support. If we pull Georgia into NATO, that won't be the case because the US is the undisputed leader of NATO. The Georgian government's exaggerations of events, claiming ethnic cleansing, don't help the situation. They only hurt the Georgian government's credibility. Russian President Medvedev equates Georgia's attempt to put down the South Ossetian rebellion to 9/11. The leaders of both these countries are nuts.

Terrorists set off 5 bombs in New Delhi, killing at least 18.

In another exhibition of the extreme liberal media's bias, survey shows that Huffington Post is the blog favored by journalists. Daily Kos was 4. Townhall was 5.

Once again a British reporter cuts through the crap and provides the type of honest, effective analysis of this election that can't be found in the US press. This guy explains that the reason Obama is in trouble is because his rhetoric is completely at odds with his actions over his career. Just like his Marxist teachers taught him. Obama is not what he's trying to convince Americans he is, and we have copious amounts of evidence to prove it - all ignored by liberals.

Obama campaign stiffs girl scout troop.

YouTube to block al Qaeda videos because they incite violence. Why wasn't that always a restriction?

It's always seemed to me that a white roof made more sense than a black one in hot climates to keep energy bills low. How cares about fighting natural climate change?

Since $2 million in tax dollars doesn't stop truency, I have a different plan. How about taxpayers quit providing education welfare through failing government schools and parents send their schools to neighborhood private schools run by teacher-entrepreneurs. I bet those parents that pay for school make sure their children attend.

Charles Krauthammer explains there have been 4 distinct versions of the Bush Doctrine, contrary to Charlie Gibson's opinion, expressed in an attempt to make Sarah Palin look foolish, that there is only one version - preemptive war.

I've compared Democrats and the liberal press' attack on Sarah Palin to attacks by a cornered, wounded animal fighting for its life. Dick Morris provides support for the analogy by explaining that Sarah Palin represents an existential threat to Democrats because she can split their coalition by drawing women from the Democrats, and she'll be around for a while.

According to the Treasury department, the lowest 50 percent of earners pay only 3 percent of taxes and the next 25 percent pay only 11 percent of taxes. These numbers don't jive with the Tax Foundation numbers.

7 reasons non-liberals love Sarah Palin.

Tina Fey likely to play Gov. Palin on SNL. That's great news. Tina Fey will actually be funny parodying her.

Shocking information about Obama and Biden's tax returns. Despite making over $200,000 each, they give virtually nothing to charity, and they save virtually nothing. Talk about conspicuous consumption. How can these people not donate to charity or save any money? Where is their compassion? Where is their investment in America? This illustrates dangerous selfishness and shortsightedness.

Michael Barone uses a fighter pilot analogy to explain why McCain's choice of Palin has dramatically changed this election in his favor.

Lack of political will to compromise and unite in Iraq could undo all of our successes there.

Economic analysis of the three fastest growing states, Texas, Florida and Arizona compared to the 3 worst states, Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois, show that liberal, Obamaesque, big-government is the culprit. Why would vote for a candidate who's policies would make the economy for the entire country like Michigan and Ohio?

Wonderful story of a Medal of Honor recipient.

The effect of McCain's selection of Sarah Palin and the closing excitement gap is that Republicans have suddenly closed the gap for congressional races.

Now this is a funny parody of Sarah Palin.

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