Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Democrats Hate Freedom and Equality

Democrats Hate Freedom and Equality

by Mark Luedtke

In the original Declaration of Independence submitted on July 2, 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote of King George, “He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.” Southern Democrats removed that sentence and the entire paragraph condemning slavery in the first battle of their never-ending war against freedom and equal rights under the law for all men.

In 1861, southern Democrats yanked their states out of the Union and fought the bloodiest war in American history in support of forced labor, segregation, and against equal rights. They lost. You would think that from 1865 forward, after the deaths of 625,000 Americans, that freedom and equality under the law for all Americans would have been settled once and for all, but not to southern Democrats. They continued blocking blacks from equality, going so far as forming the KKK and using murder and intimidation against them. In the '60s, powerful Democrats tried to kill the equal rights legislation for blacks.

Freedom and equality under the law means no American can be forced to labor or surrender the fruits of labor to another. Democrats hate that. Today, Democrats use government force to take the fruits of labor from workers - money - and give it to non-workers - welfare. On the surface, this seems backward from Democrats' traditional attacks on the downtrodden in order to give more power to aristocrats, but the goal is the same - more power for aristocrats. Democrats use workers' money to buy votes from welfare recipients. The more welfare recipients, the better for Democrats.

Now Democrats are pushing the Healthy Families Act in Ohio. How compassionate a name is that? Only a cruel monster would oppose such a law. Democrats are expert at misnaming legislation and manipulating voters' emotions to gain power for themselves and masters at coercing money from one group of people to buy votes from another (techniques Republicans have learned all too well). You can't help but marvel at the success Democrats have had implementing policies that cripple equality, fairness, freedom and compassion by employing phony rhetoric supporting those things. And what worker wouldn't want paid sick leave? No wonder unions push it.

But this is a scam - corruption - not compassion. Democrats promise free money to union workers in the form of sick leave paid by their employers despite their freely negotiated employment contract, and in return the unions promise votes. This is government enforced theft. If employees took money from their employers by force, we would punish them for stealing. Using government to do the same is immoral and unconstitutional – see if you can find a line in the Constitution that grants government the power to steal on behalf of others. This is a violation of the sanctity of contracts and extends another long tradition of Democrats best exemplified by FDR, LBJ, and the activist judges they appointed: disdain for the rule of law. If government can violate the sanctity of contracts freely entered into by both parties, taking money from one party to give to the other, then contracts are meaningless. Democrats are selling the rule of law and equality under the law for employers to the bidder with the most votes.

But there's no such thing as free money. Forcing businesses to provide paid sick leave will cost jobs. Employers that can afford to pay sick leave already do, so this bill will hit small business owners particularly hard. Some Ohioans will be laid off to reduce costs. More lost freedom means more lost jobs means worse economic problems for Ohio. Fortunately Governor Strickland broke with his party and doesn't support the bill and the bill was subsequently withdrawn.

And there's worse costs. The Healthy Families Act was just another slickly packaged and disguised attack on freedom, equality, contracts, and the rule of law. Unfortunately, the overwhelming number of attacks like these form a tsunami that washes away freedom and prosperity, especially since Republicans jumped on the liberal bandwagon during Bush's presidency, causing the breakdown in society happening all around us. The welfare state is illegal, immoral, destructive, and rapidly expanding.

Government has a practical monopoly on education in America, and as a result, half of our children fail and the price of education skyrockets. 60 percent of health care expenditures in the US are paid for by taxpayers. As a result, Americans get unhealthier by the day, and the price of health care explodes. Misnamed entitlements have already bankrupted us. We haven't realized it yet because the bills haven't come due. Yet government demands more.

Any given law may look innocuous in isolation, but from the birth of our nation to today, these immoral, self-serving attacks on freedom, equality, and the rule of law are responsible for slavery, the Civil War, the Great Depression, institutionalizing racism, sexism and class warfare, and the impending economic collapse of the US - the worst, institutional evils in American history and our future. They weaken every institution in America including the individual, the family, the church, the family doctor, and neighborhood schools and hospitals. They sabotage workers, entrepreneurs, and businesses large and small. They trap Americans in poverty. They divide us. They subvert government. The solution is to take our freedom and power back by voting for severely limited government as prescribed by the Constitution.

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