Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Police State

Government agents are training to kill pregnant women, old men, children and mothers of young children.

DHS increases its stockpile of ammo another 200,000 rounds.
"Not only is the reason for the agency’s stockpiling of nearly 2 billion rounds of ammo shrouded in mystery, but so too is the Evian Group. James Smith of Prepper Podcast did an investigation into the company and found some odd facts which he reported in an article on Thursday.
For one, “It seems that the Evian Group was formed on December 12, 2012, just 5 days before the announcement of the solicitation,” writes Smith.
The price that the agency paid for the rounds is suspect too, according to Smith.
“The contract for 200,000 rounds was $45,758, which boils down to about $0.21 per round. And to be quiet (sic) honest, that (is) a really good price. As in, unheard of good price.”
After comparing the prices for the rounds from Evian and other companies on two different Web sites, Smith found “that the price was less than half of what the other guys are charging.”"
What's going on? This sounds like corruption.

Concern that Obama is creating his military equivalent civilian defense force inside DHS.

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