Tuesday, February 26, 2013


NASA estimates Russian meteor 1,000 times bigger than originally thought. Experts wrong again.

Class action lawsuit against Anheuser-Busch for watering down beer. If this is true, it's fraud, but how will anybody show they were harmed?

Positive view of the Dark Ages.
"What changed, that brought man from an unwritten law, one that kept the king in check, to a written law, captured in a constitution? I do not know with certainty, however I present the following for thought: the change was grounded in the change from allodial land title to fee simple title. This happened in England first, and preceded the much-heralded written constitution, the Magna Carta, by 150 years.
This change occurred as a result of William the Conqueror’s defeat of Harold Godwinsson at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. As a result of this, William claimed that he had won the whole country by right of conquest. Every inch of land was to be his, and he would dispose of it as he thought fit.
All land was thereafter owned by the crown. Perhaps in this can be found the seeds of the desire by the lords for the Magna Carta."
That's interesting. Explanation of alloidal and fee simple titles.

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