Friday, December 23, 2011

Free kibbles


I hope the government of South Carolina tells the Justice Department to go spit over its proclamation that its voter ID law is discriminatory. It's discriminatory against frauds. This is a state's rights issue. Democrats won't be happy until every Democrat voter can vote in dozens of elections with no checks on them.


If your investments have done better than Ron Paul's, good for you.


Man tries to cook and deliver Christmas dinner to elderly shutiins, but the government shuts him down. Isn't it nice how government cares so much for the needy?


Dr. reverses her own MS in nine months by converting to paleo diet.


So what's up with gas prices? I've never been much of a gas price conspiracy theorist, though I've wondered from time to time, but what about this year? A week before Thanksgiving, gas prices around here were over $3.20. In a world where supply and demand determine gas prices, one would expect they would rise over Thanksgiving because travel demand would rise. But they didn't. I bought gas on black Friday for $2.99 a gallon. That tells me the supply had been boosted to overcome the increase in demand. A week later, prices were over $3.20 again. I figured Obama had released oil out of the strategic reserve at a specific time to increase supply over Thanksgiving to generate goodwill. I bet the delay between that and gas appearing at the pump is pretty well understood. Fast forward to a couple of days ago. Gas had been over $3.20 all month. Then a couple of days ago gas prices plummeted. I bought gas at $3.03. The next day I saw gas at $2.98. I thought the same thing was happening. Yet today the station that priced gas at $2.98 on Monday, was selling at $3.34. That seems natural because demand is rising, but such wild swings around the holidays make me suspect prices are being manipulated. My theory now is Obama released oil from the strategic reserve on a schedule that fit lowering prices at Thanksgiving, then tried to do the same thing for Christmas, but because the structure of production had shifted because of the Thanksgiving release, it took much less time for that oil to get to the pump. Thus the premature decline in prices for Christmas.

How sad is it that governments allowed (I hate that word) Branson to fly straight from Britain to Fiji over the north pole. Why was it disallowed before? Money. It forced planes to land in another country.


Vanity Fair criticizes the TSA. That means criticism of the TSA is going mainstream.

Many people believe that the police have the right to kill, but recognize the corollary that that means the rest of us have duty to die when they try to kill us.


The Taliban seizes cell phones and computers in Waziristan, the lawless region in Pakistan on the border with Afghanistan, and burns them to stamp out porn. American troops are fighting, dying and killing innocents over this. There are no words to describe how stupid ordering Americans to kill and die over this is.


With the CIA agitating in Syria, you have wonder if the suicide bombers in Damascus were CIA recruits.

The CIA absolved itself of any wrongdoing because of it's association with the NYPD. That's like the fox absolving itself of any wrongdoing for it's association with the hen house. If you thought the CIA was only operating outside the US, the CIA drone pilots looking through your roof happy you're so ignorant, and they're high-fiving their FBI partners.


Lew Rockwell's bloggers are up in arms about the Republicans bringing up the supposedly racist Ron Paul newsletters. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. Let's imagine if Paul wins the nomination. What do you think the mainstream media will push as the lead headline every day of the general campaign? It certainly won't be Obama's record on the economy or Paul's plan to revive it. It won't be Obama's record on government spending and debt or Paul's plan to fix it. It'll be that Paul is a racist. This is an issue that must be vetted in the primary and Paul must provide a good answer for it. His explanation that he had no idea somebody was doing that in his name is lame. If that's true, and I believe it's true, he has to own that mistake and make people believe he learned a valuable lesson about delegating authority that he will never make again. Come on, Dr. Paul. Stand up, own it and move the voters past it. This is a presidential moment for you. You had a great one the other night when the Foxnews guys tried to gotcha on earmarks. Do it again.


While I'm happy that Dayton city government and Ohio state government have cut their budgets by tiny amounts, those tiny cuts can't account for this increase in business. This increase is a result of more federal money flowing through Wright-Pat into police state businesses. That money won't last. It can't last. The US government is overly bankrupt. When reality hits, and that money goes away, Dayton will be devastated to an extent nobody here has ever seen before.


I hope this doesn't become a regular feature, but look at the headline assault on my homepage:
It's interesting that photo bolds the subjects of my email even though they're not bold on my home page. It's like the bolding is intended to intimidate people not to snapshot the google homepage.

Dell has teamed up with a Chinese company. That doesn't surprise me in the least.

How to protect your assets by expatriation.

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