Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Free kibbles


Check out how this article is worded:
"On Tuesday, the FCC passed the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act, or CALM. It's a law that states all commercials must run at the same volume as network newscasts."
Only Congress has powers to pass laws. The FCC is in the executive branch. This shows how badly our government tramples on our Constitution. I wonder if the author used those terms intentionally.

Here's the cost of Obama's 2011 regulations:
"In 2011 alone, according to the American Action Forum, the Obama administration’s proposed and final rules have cost more than $230 billion and will most likely impose 120 million hours of paper-pushing. Every hour of paper-pushing for Washington is one less hour of innovation for America."
Obama has been very successful at achieving his goal of destroying the US economy, but the American people have proven far more resilient than he hoped.


Pipeline company lays off 60 workers because of Obama blocked the Keystone pipeline. Obama doesn't want Americans to create jobs. He wants to crush our economy under the burden of government.

Hurricane scientists admit they can't predict hurricanes and quit predicting them. Good for them.


It turns out the establishment isn't waiting for Ron Paul to win in Iowa to start the smear campaign. First Bill Bennett claims Paul subscribes to 9/11 conspiracy theories. Also on the Hannity show today, Hannity pulled out the old newsletter of Paul's with the bigotted comment, a newsletter published by somebody else in Paul's name. Krugman attacks Paul on his understanding of money. Ignoring him didn't work, so now they're smearing him. I think Rockwell is wrong about this headline after Paul wins Iowa. I think the headline will be "Ron Paul is a Racist".

Gallop reports that 65 percent of Americans think big government is the biggest threat to our country. I've been saying this for decades. I'm happy the American people are finally figuring it out. But I've noticed this is true too. This is why I keep saying Ron Paul would crush Obama in the general election but every other Republican would have a much tougher time. He's the only Republican with a small government record.

Is anybody surprised that AG Holder will use the power of the Justice Department to aid fraudulent voters?

If you wondered why no Republicans are talking about Marco Rubio for VP, it's because polls show it will win them no Hispanic votes.


I hope you didn't buy the hype about the economy recovering. Foreclosures to surge, locally at least.
"Last month, foreclosure filings in the Dayton area rose nearly 80 percent to 952 from October. That followed a 44 percent rise to 530 in October from September, according to RealtyTrac."


Astronomers capture images of the black hole at the center of our galaxy sucking down a dust cloud. This is amazing video because you can see streamers of gas from other objects, presumably stars, all pointing to a central location: the black hole.

 A decade or so ago, I explained that dream sleep existed to allow the brain to organize memories to best benefit the sleeper. Maybe science has caught up to me.
"Clinical evidence suggests a potentially causal interaction between sleep and affective brain function; nearly all mood disorders display co-occurring sleep abnormalities, commonly involving rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep [1,2,3,4]. Building on this clinical evidence, recent neurobiological frameworks have hypothesized a benefit of REM sleep in palliatively decreasing next-day brain reactivity to recent waking emotional experiences [5,6]. Specifically, the marked suppression of central adrenergic neurotransmitters during REM (commonly implicated in arousal and stress), coupled with activation in amygdala-hippocampal networks that encode salient events, is proposed to (re)process and depotentiate previous affective experiences, decreasing their emotional intensity [3]. In contrast, the failure of such adrenergic reduction during REM sleep has been described in anxiety disorders, indexed by persistent high-frequency electroencephalographic (EEG) activity (>30 Hz) [7,8,9,10]; a candidate factor contributing to hyperarousal and exaggerated amygdala reactivity [3,11,12,13]. Despite these neurobiological frameworks, and their predictions, the proposed benefit of REM sleep physiology in depotentiating neural and behavioral responsivity to prior emotional events remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate that REM sleep physiology is associated with an overnight dissipation of amygdala activity in response to previous emotional experiences, altering functional connectivity and reducing next-day subjective emotionality."
I always enjoy it when scientists catch up to logic.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:15 AM

    all of the economists say had he not saved the auto industry,their collapse and the connected supply industries,we would have fallen into a depression,and all that money that he took criticism for loaning the auto companies has been paid back with interest.the previous presidents put the country in the shape it was and it will take time to come back.1 war ended,and an other winding down.will slow the bleeding.and we should start to see a slow climb in the right direction.once the housing market finally hits bottom which is close,and good days are coming.the worst is over and with the wars are finally turning the corner. if we had not got into these trillions of expenses from the wars,the hill would not have been as bad.Obama said he'd get us out of Iraq and he was true to his word to the exact time he promised.he is drawing down from the last war,and things are turning the right way.

    People like President Obama because they don't believe the lies and manipulated poles. Everybody knows and sees the hate, and everybody knows what the hate is all about. But as a country, we are damned if we talk about it and damned if we try to fix it. There is no corruption of a man in this President--the cleanest I've ever seen or read about. He is not destroying America, but he is trying to save her. Yet, we have members of our own government (domestic enemies) that have pledged to destroy his presidency and to do what ever it takes (even if America suffers needlessly) to keep him from succeeding in making the U. S. better on his watch. If we refuse to be saved, then we want be saved. God has fixed this thing such that a fool can't error. You see who what the alternatives are and the baggage they bring.
