Monday, December 05, 2011

Free kibbles


The press is trumpeting that the private sector added 140,000 jobs in November and unemployment fell to 8.6 percent. What they aren't publicizing is 315,000 people who had been looking for jobs gave up and quit looking. Also, 50,000 of those 120,000 were seasonal jobs.

The left has this part right:
"The United States is becoming rapidly one of the most socially unjust societies in the world."
But they fail to understand the cause. The cause if government intervention in our economy that loots us and squanders wealth, making all but the few with access to the levers of power poorer. The leftists call for more of this destructive behavior, which would make the problem worse. What we need is a lot less government intervention.


This article explains that voters always vote to reduce the burden of government, but neither party ever does that.
"Barack Obama promised tax cuts for 95 percent of all Americans. George W. Bush’s across-the-board tax cuts were the centerpiece of his domestic policy. Bill Clinton promised tax cuts for the middle class. The first President Bush asked the nation to read his lips while promising no new taxes. And Ronald Reagan rode the tax revolt to the White House. Jimmy Carter ran as a fiscal conservative, and Richard Nixon was more fiscally conservative than Hubert Humphrey.Despite that track record and clear expression of voter preferences, total government spending has gone up in America every single year since Bill Haley was topping the charts with “Rock Around the Clock,” a young singer named Elvis Presley made his first commercial recording, and Hank Aaron hit his first home run as a rookie for the Milwaukee Braves. That was way back in 1954, with Dwight Eisenhower in the White House."
And this is why our economy is in the crapper and swirling down.


The climate frauds are trying to hide the fact that climate is not very sensitive to CO2.

Climategate 2 emails show that even other climate frauds recognized that Mann's hockey stick was bogus.


Poll shows what I keep saying: Ron Paul is more electable than Romney or Gingrich.

This is a great Ron Paul ad. Short and to the point.

British media picks up story about Jewish Republicans barring Ron Paul. Every attempt to silence him is backfiring.


Robert Murphy responds to criticism of the Austrian explanation of the Great Depression.

It turns out all the hyperventilating over the Carrier IQ software was overblown.

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