Saturday, December 10, 2011

Free kibbles


Just a couple of years ago, a gunman killed a dozens of students at Virginia Tech because the state had forcibly disarmed everybody law abiding citizen at Virginia Tech. The state did not learn its lesson, so this week another gunman killed more people at Virginia Tech. This is what happens when voters elect people who hate freedom and don't obey the Constitution.


I've consistently argued that the US as we know it will not survive the government looting that is destroying our economy and our country. I've even made the case that California might leave the US and rejoin Mexico because Mexico has oil money and might offer to bail out the California government while the US government is unable to do so because it's broke too. But I've also argued that it's more likely states will kick their welfare-sucking big cities out because the people in those states are sick and tired of being looted to support the welfare class in those big cities. So I'm not surprised that Illinois citizens are proposing to kick Chicago out of Illinois.
""Downstate families are tired of Chicago dictating its views to the rest of us," said state Rep. Bill Mitchell as he and fellow Republican state Rep. Adam Brown announced their proposal with straight faces at a news conference. "The old adage is true: Just outside Chicago there's a place called Illinois.""
This would be a wonderful thing. It would add two less terrible senators to the US Senate and free the people of Illinois from the terrible looting they suffer from the Chicago machine. It would also force the welfare recipients in Chicago to get jobs. Everybody would win. The problem right now is these big cities control the state government machine and they aren't about to give up the looting the rest of the people for their personal gain. But this is just the start. These attempts by state residents will grow more powerful as our economy continues to collapse.


Government covered up battery fire problems in the Chevy Volt because government owns GM.


Suggestion to allow politicians to keep a share of any real spending they cut. I love the idea of providing incentives to politicians to cut government, but you know they would figure out a way to get their money and expand government too.

European politicians are using the euro crisis as an excuse to centralize more power. Good for the British for refusing. Here's more on the economic differences between the Germans and the British that are driving this division.


Here's more evidence that government, because it is funded by theft and based on violence, is the worst regulator known to man:
"The U.S. Bureau of Land Management's internal review of a wild horse roundup in Nevada found some mustangs were whipped in the face, kicked in the head, dragged by a rope around the neck, and repeatedly shocked with electrical prods, but the agency concluded none of the mistreatment rose to the level of being inhumane."
Any private sector actor who did this would go bankrupt and be replaced by a responsible manager of animals. At least people would be fired. But that never happens in government. Because the government is funding by theft and based on violence, the activity will continue getting worse.

Apple transfers patents through shell company to another company that then uses them to sue all cell phone manufacturers except Apple. Hopefully this kind of crap will make people see the coercive nature of patents.


Headline says:
"Panel has 'grave concerns' about U.S. nuclear agency chief"
I have grave concerns that the US government has a nuclear agency. The only effective regulator known to man is the people acting in a free market.

I'm skeptical that this new climate deal will mean anything for us.I fear Obama's EPA more than this deal.

Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation appears to have turned negative which means colder weather.


Here's the kind of absurdity we get because we allow government to dominate every aspect of our lives: the FBI dumbs down the the definition of rape such that every TSA search becomes rape.


NATO intelligence agents have engineered a massacre in Syria in hope of foment a war with the Syrian government. That's what passes for humanitarianism in government.

Documentary of secret CIA prison in Romania.

This is the 20th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union.


Leave it to the Onion to put the Blago conviction in perspective:
"Least Corrupt Politician In Illinois History Sentenced To 14 Years In Prison"
Blago's greatest sin was not sucking up enough to the Chicago corruption machine. Had he done that, he'd never have been touched.


The government pretends it cares what people think about I-75 construction. Here's my input: stop killing people!

The more government interferes in the economy, the most businesses are unable to compete, the more economic power is concentrated in the hands of the few, the wealthier the rich become and the poorer the poor become. That's why 6 hospital execs earned $14 last year.


First there was the Penn State sex abuse scandal. Second there was accusations against a Syracuse assistant coach. Now there are accusations against a Memphis youth club president. I will not rush to judgment on any of these allegations, but I will remind people that predators always position themselves so they obtain access to and power over their prey. I wrote this essay about how government schools enable predators to become teachers and abuse children a few months back.

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