Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Free kibbles


Jeffery Tucker is frustrated with all the politically correct causes distracting people from buying and selling.


The Clinton administration pathologically lied because the Clintons personally were unable to tell the truth. But the Obama administration lies as often and more dangerously with calculated lies. In this case, they try to rewrite the jobs history to make it appear fewer Americans had jobs when Obama took office and that his stimulus program created more jobs to bring us to where we are today.

This could just as easily have gone under police state since tax collectors are a major driver of the police state, but Amazon is fighting an attempt by North Carolina tax collectors to seize records of its customers.
"Amazon.com filed a lawsuit on Monday to fend off a sweeping demand from North Carolina's tax collectors: detailed records including names and addresses of customers and information about exactly what they purchased.
The lawsuit says the demand violates the privacy and First Amendment rights of Amazon's customers. North Carolina's Department of Revenue had ordered the online retailer to provide full details on nearly 50 million purchases made by state residents between 2003 and 2010."
Good for Amazon.


Now the FDA is going to restrict the amount of salt food producers can put in their food. If you thought it was just Bloomberg in New York, you don't understand the nature of government.


Imagine what else we don't know about:
"Congress may be fined tens of millions of dollars a year under its own health-care law, in part because the bill dumps members of Congress and their staffs from their current health-care plans.

But no one really knows for sure what the bill does, not even the experts. For instance, exactly who qualifies as an “employer” — and therefore is subject to fines up to $3,000 per employee — is undefined in the bill."
Thanks, Democrats.

Obamacare has prompted more doctors to run for Congress than ever before. Good. The fewer lawyers in Congress, the better.

Obamacarefail.com. Nice.

Looming doctor shortage.


Now Obama's State Department is promoting the global warming fraud.
"Global warming is unequivocal and primarily human-induced ... Global temperature has increased over the past 50 years. This observed increase is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases."
Forget that little Climategate thing. The State Department is where real science is done.


Maybe there were no ulterior motives for police seizing these 600 photographs from an incident, but who cares? They don't have to seize these photos. They could politely come in, examine the photos, copy the ones of interest, taking none, all with very little disruption to the paper. This is the kind of ubiquitous abuse of power we've bred.


Forces, the article doesn't tell us whose forces, killed a third al Qaeda leader in Northern Iraq.


Republicans warn that the tea parties may lead to third party runs that empower Democrats. In Florida at least, establishment Republicans Charlie Crist is going to run a third party campaign because the tea party candidate is winning the primary. Remember, this is never about what's good for the people. It's about the personal power of aristocrats and advancing their careers.

With leftists promising to infiltrate the tea party movement and make it look bad, you can't help but think this guy was a plant. No racist wants to go a tea party knowing full well they're not welcome. It looks like it's still up in the air at this point.


Talking head condemns Rush Limbaugh for calling the Obama administration a regime, but he's done the same thing multiple times.

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