Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Free kibbles


Obama puppetmaster Andy Stern to resign as head of SEIU. Want to bet everything you own against everything I own that he's going into government? But he's a fool for doing so. As SEIU chief, he pulls Obama's strings. In the Obama administration, Obama will pull his.


Example from Great Britain of how welfare corrupts people:
"The Davey family's £815-a-week state handouts pay for a four-bedroom home, top-of-the-range mod cons and two vehicles including a Mercedes people carrier.

Father-of-seven Peter gave up work because he could make more living on benefits.
Yet he and his wife Claire are still not happy with their lot.

With an eighth child on the way, they are demanding a bigger house, courtesy of the taxpayer."
We're following that same downward path. Western civilization is committing suicide by government.

More government accounting tricks to make the deficit look better than it is this year.

A bailout can't fix Greece's (or anybody else's) debt problem.
"Another day, another episode in the Greek rescue saga. Over the weekend, after five days during which Greek debt took a battering on the markets, the euro area’s governments met, talked, sweated, and then came up with their traditional solution. They dipped their fists into a big pot of euros and threw money at the problem.

And yet, to use an image that is appropriate for the subject, the Greek debt crisis is a hydra: a beast with many heads. Chop off one, and a couple more grow in its place. Hercules may have finally defeated the animal. It isn’t likely the current crop of Greek or European officials will achieve anything quite so heroic.

This version of the rescue package isn’t going to work any better than the last one did. All it does is buy more time [and make the problem worse down the line - LIW]. The only real solution to Greece’s problems is Irish-style austerity. One way or another, it’s going to happen. The sooner they make a start on it, the better for everyone."
Same for our government.


Higher taxes from Obamacare.

28 states may expand nurses role to make up for doctor shortage. This would be a great thing if people were voluntarily making these choices, but having government decree it at the point of a gun is going to create new problems.

Several nasty consequences of Obamacare include an accelerating shortage of doctors, fewer hospitals and new taxes. Just what Dr. Obama ordered to collapse America's economy sooner.

Congressmen surprised to find out that Obamacare may rip some of them off their cushy government plans.
"In a new report, the Congressional Research Service says the law may have significant unintended consequences for the “personal health insurance coverage” of senators, representatives and their staff members.

For example, it says, the law may “remove members of Congress and Congressional staff” from their current coverage, in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, before any alternatives are available.

The confusion raises the inevitable question: If they did not know exactly what they were doing to themselves, did lawmakers who wrote and passed the bill fully grasp the details of how it would influence the lives of other Americans?"
That's so minor compared to the damage it does to ordinary Americans, it doesn't even qualify as poetic justice. These guys aren't just sociopathic, megalomanic monsters, they're ignorant fools too. Funny how the New York Times didn't report on this ignorance before Obamacare passed.


Yet another video of police brutally beating an innocent citizen.  They shouldn't beat criminals either. Video. This is commonplace in America. Notice the other cops just watching? This isn't the actions of a few bad officers - it's the actions of members of a force whose officers are so used to beating innocent people and getting away with it, they think nothing of attacking this student for no reason. For every video like this we see, thousands of cop beatings go unpublicized. The press doesn't want to run these stories because they're in bed with the cops. That's who they get their juicy stories from. It's only thanks to the internet we get a glimpse into what Americans suffer at the hands of government agents.


The Senate suspends immigration reform. Apparently Democrats still think they can save their jobs. That's good for the country because it might provide some resistance to Obama's agenda.


Reason doesn't join my call to end the TSA. They just call for it to take a lesser role, but their argument is inconsistent. If creating the TSA was a bad move, and it was, why keep it around? Privatize it.


Indian nuclear policy.


Rasmussen poll shows Ron Paul in virtual tie with Obama, only because Democrats support Obama more strongly than Republicans support Paul. Paul leads nearly two to one with independents.
"Ask the Political Class, though, and it’s a blowout. While 58% of Mainstream voters favor Paul, 95% of the Political Class vote for Obama."
There you have it. The politicians want Obama. The people want Ron Paul. If you want politics as usual, vote for Obama or the same old Republicans. If you want an end to politics as usual, vote Ron Paul.

Another prediction that government (the FBI) will infiltrate tea parties, find somebody on the fringe, seduce that person into doing something stupid and illegal, then but that person and slime the entire tea party movement. I'd say this is a given.

Retiring Senator Jim Bunning endorses Rand Paul. I'm not so sure having an incumbent endorse Paul is a good thing, but it will probably help him get elected.


How in the world can this cartoon be considered racist?

Classic clip of Milton Friedman challenging Donahue's assumption that government is better than the market.
"Is it really true that political self-interest is nobler somehow than economic self-interest?"
Friedman was a powerful advocate for freedom. I wish I'd have known more about him while he was alive. Still, I would rephrase Friedman's question to ask:
"How can political self-interest, which is advanced by the government's gun, be nobler than economic self-interest, which is advanced by mutually beneficial exchange?"

Remembering Jefferson whose birthday was yesterday.

Scientists finally prove what area dad has been saying for years. This is the Onion, but how true is this? It cracks me up how often I see scientific studies showing things that have long been common knowledge.

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