Friday, April 02, 2010

Free kibbles


I just came up with this line, "Central planners playing God are doomed to fail in all things.I should make that my slogan.


How government seizure of the means of production leads to violence.
"Workers at a French car accessories plant north of Paris threatened Friday to blow up their factory unless they were given better layoff compensation."
That's how it works everywhere.


Understanding fascism.
"Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners."
That perfectly describles Obamacare and many of Obama's other plans. Corporations love it because as agents of the government, they don't face competition and they won't be allowed fail. They're guaranteed profits and and the taxpayers will cover their losses, but they are managed by the government. This result will be the same here as it was everywhere else. Obama's pay czar should be called Obama's pay fascist.


Workers getting more efficient is slowing the growth of jobs. The private sector finds a way. Naturally, central planners are shocked.
"Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve Chairman and steward of Obama's economic policies is quoted thusly; "It is an episode that we're going to -we economists in general - are going to want to understand better and look at for a long time." He described the productivity gains as "extraordinary" and acknowledged he had not foreseen them."
I'm reminded of that scene the Princess Bride when the swordsman tells the Sicilian that a word he keeps using doesn't mean what he thinks it means. In this case the word 'expert' doesn't mean what we think it means. But while this seems like good news, Democrats will twist it into bad news and use it push a right to work agenda like FDR's socialist bill of pseudo-rights.
"You didn't foresee them? Say it ain't so, Ben. ... This is exactly what conservatives have been trying to tell this handful of brainiacs, soothsayers, oracles, and witch doctors for decades. You cannot manage a population of 300 million people and a GDP of $15 trillion from a few offices in Washington, DC."
But conservatives think they can manage a population of 25 million Iraqis and 25 million Afghans and every other country as well from a handful of offices in Washington D.C. Besides which, this isn't what conservatives have been saying for decades. Conservatives voted for both George Bushes to manage our economy. They voted for Nixon to manage our economy. These are the three biggest regulators of the economy in my life. This guy managed to be a hypocrite twice while making one point.

Because of temporary hiring for the census, the US employment rate stayed flat at 9.7 percent officially. Of course the headline of this article tries to paint this as good news. This article points out the continuing bad news. That's remarkably honest.


Republican and Democrat team up for propaganda piece in support of fascist control of the internet. It's everywhere.


Stimulus funds were allocated by political affiliation, not supposed need. All government money is allocated by political affiliation, not supposed need.

Preparing to bail out union pension plans. If Republicans don't have a plan to stop this already in place ready to launch the moment Obama brings this up, it's only because they don't want to stop it.

Lord Geithner feigns concern about unfairness that Wall Street is making profits while Americans are still out of work. Do you think Geithner forgot he was the primary architect of the Wall Street bailout that stole wealth from the American people by force and deception, impoverishing us all? No. He's just lying. The aristocrats in Washington are the most dangerous, warped people in the country.

Now that we have Obamacare, we'll need the VAT to pay for it.


A picture of one of the phony appliances the EPA gave an energy star rating to.

Corrupt Chris Dodd's financial regulation bill contains a permanent slush fund to bail out financial corporations deemed too big to fail.


Peter Schiff says that after creating the bubble then the bigger housing bubble, now the Fed is creating the government bubble, and it will be the most destructive bubble yet.
"Of course, there will be winners in the government bubble, at least for a while. As was the case with the stock and real estate bubbles, plenty of money will be made by the well-connected and parasitic classes. Government employees will continue to enjoy pay raises at our expense, as will anyone benefiting from the new wave of subsidies, such as Wall Street investment bankers, financial speculators, and those working in health care or education.
These gains will come at the expense of the taxpayers who foot the bill and the consumers who face higher prices. As government grows, it deprives the private sector of the resources it needs to survive and grow. The result is a lower overall standard of living. Not only are government jobs less productive than private sector jobs, but bureaucratic interference actually makes the remaining private sector jobs less efficient as well."
Schiff goes on to explain the Marxist philosophy behind Obama's seizure of the student loan industry and points out the irony of a government that borrows money from the private sector to make loans.


Government schools indoctrinating children into becoming census ambassadors.


Kind of like those drug ads on TV that make we want to never take a prescription drug, here are some side-effects of Obamacare. 10 disasters of Obamacare.

Doctor puts sign on door telling patients who voted for Obama to go elsewhere. He says he'll treat Obama voters because it would be unethical not to, but he'd prefer they go elsewhere. Why would it be unethical to treat Obama voters? Doctors turn people away for other reasons all the time, why not political reasons? But this guy put a target on his back. It won't be long before we read about him being slapped with a malpractice suit and dragged into court and this sign will be all over the news.


How the FBI seduced a few Michigan yahoos into fantasizing about killing police officers and convinced one of them to attempt to buy an IED in order to make it appear that white Christian militias are a threat to America.
"When the stranger materialized a few years ago, nobody really knew much about him. He seemed like a suitably sympathetic figure and quickly ingratiated himself by offering whatever help he could. No task was too menial for him, and he had a way of finding just what the group needed right when it was required.

Most importantly, he seemed to share the group's antipathy toward the government. If anything, he was just a bit more emphatic than the rest in denouncing official corruption and endorsing violent "direct action" against the state. He seemed eager to shepherd the group in a more militant direction, eagerly out-bidding every expression of outrage and hostility. One of his favorite recurring themes was the idea that a criminal state could only be fought through the use of criminal means.

When the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) staged an armed raid to arrest several members of the group, the helpful stranger was nowhere to be found. He did leave a parting gift, however, in the form of detailed allegations recorded in a federal indictment alleging that the group he had infiltrated on behalf of the JTTF was involved in extensive criminal activity – most of which was either suggested or directly facilitated by him – and an ambitious plot to wage war against the United States Government."
Note this infiltration began under Bush. The rest of the essay is about another FBI sting that ended with FBI agents shooting their target 20 times. I have no problem with law enforcement infiltrating and observing organizations considered dangerous for good reason, but these guys aren't just infiltrating. They're seducing non-dangerous people into conspiring to commit crimes. They're not passive observers. They're actively corrupting the people they target. Unfortunately, that's all we can expect from a centrally planned security organization. Private sector security wouldn't do this because these raids are super-expensive. Private sector law enforcement agents would focus on determining if somebody really was a threat instead of manipulating somebody into appearing to be a threat so the FBI could stage a giant, taxpayer funded raid to expand its own power and the power of its political masters. You can also see from this article how our wars on Muslim countries infuriate Muslims here and turn them against America. This is an amazing, scary story.


Boortz has a point about this being a bad year for third parties, but I disagree with his ultimate conclusion. The tea parties should do everything in their power to move the Republican Party back toward small government by winning primary elections. When they succeed, they should send that Republican to Washington. The primary focus must be to transform the Republicans into a smaller government party because of the institutional barriers to third party candidates winning. But if the primary challenge fails and a big government Republican is nominated, vote third party. If conservatives can't stand on principle this election of all elections, if the tea parties do nothing but empower the same McCains, Romneys, Bushes, Grahams, etc. there's no hope for America. America will collapse under the weight of government like Obama plans. It may take a couple of years longer, but it will be inevitable. Conservatives played Boortz's tune in 1994, and look how it worked out for us. Even though Perot gave Clinton a victory over Dole in his second term, that was the least destructive presidential term since Reagan because of the 1994 election, but those guys turned into big Bushees in 2000. We have to elect more principled candidates this time.

Anybody who thinks a constitutional convention is the answer to out of control aristocrats is a fool. That's another dangerous example of the welfare mentality - that protecting our rights is the responsibility of a piece of paper. Or a judge. Or anybody but ourselves. It's the responsibility of the people to protect the Constitution from them, but we never do it. We continually vote for aristocrats of both parties, neither of which gives a damn about the Constitution. Neither Congress, the president, nor the courts give a damn about that piece of paper, and changing what's written on it won't change them or us. A piece of paper can't protect us from these power-hungry freaks. We have to protect ourselves.

When somebody points a gun at my head and tells me to give them my money, I always look around for the Constitution to save me, but it never does. Maybe if we write new words on it, it will suddenly come to life, put on a blue suit and red cape, and fight off the crooks who rob us blind at the point of a gun. Yeah. New words on an old piece of paper will save us.

The Constitution is a tool. It can be used for good or evil. We keep voting for people who use it for evil. We have nobody to blame for the sorry state of our country but ourselves.

The DNC wastes a lot of money on silly expenses too.

Ron Paul supporters inaugurate tea party movement by raising over $6 for Dr. Paul.


Obama flies over floods in Rhode Island while FEMA director is in Florida. Do you the press will spend the next three years attacking him for it?

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Americans do pretty much just the opposite. It would be a hard habit to break. Of course it makes more sense to start your day with a full meal than to end it with one.  This breakfast is definitely the breakfast of a king.

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