Friday, March 26, 2010

Free kibbles


Democrat Congressman Dingle slips and admits Obamacare is about controlling the people.


Paul Krugman threatens the world by calling for a trade war with China. China is not our problem. Washington is our problem.
"China makes an easy scapegoat for America's ills, but it is not the cause, nor would making it revalue its currency provide the solution. The debate is echoed in Europe, where Germany – an exporter second only to China – finds itself blamed for the eurozone crisis. If only Germany would make itself less competitive, if only Germany would save, invest and export less, then everybody else would be fine. The virtuous find themselves depicted as the villainous. If the argument were not so perverse, it would be laughable."
And this guy knows it. This is how government and central banks turn morality on its head. Saving and producing is supposedly evil. Consuming is supposedly good. Give me a break.


Obama to force us to bail out union pension funds.
"Nonunion workers and private companies could be forced into absorbing the financial liabilities of underfunded union pension plans, thanks to pending health care mandates and an executive order that could be finalized this year, policy analysts and trade group representatives have concluded."
I'm telling you, young people today will spit on our graves for doing this to them. And we'll deserve it.

US bond rates are going up, signalling that bond traders no longer think that US bonds are the safest investment.
"Not many people noticed amid the Democrats' struggle to jam their health care bill through the House, but in recent weeks U.S. Treasury bonds have lost their status as the world's safest investment.
The numbers are pretty clear. In February, Bloomberg News reports, Berkshire Hathaway sold two-year bonds with an interest rate lower than that on two-year Treasuries. A company run by a 79-year-old investor is a better credit risk, the markets are telling us, than the U.S. government.
Buffett's firm isn't the only one. Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson and Lowe's have been borrowing money at cheaper rates than Uncle Sam."
This is real bad news for government since bond market participants will forgo US bonds in favor of less risky bonds. Also, interest rates track bond rates, and that means we're looking at interest rate increases despite Bernanke's efforts. We may be heading back into high interest rate, high inflation, high unemployment territory like the '70s, but worse. I'm happy to see that the bond market might force discipline on government.

Being on the receiving end of Obama's attacks feels like being on the receiving end of machine gun fire. Now he's expanding his failed mortgage plan, borrowing more money to give to people who can't or won't pay their mortgages. I say failed mortgage plan, but I mean that based on how it's advertised. In reality the plan is succeeded at helping collapse our economy just like Obama wants. More than half of the recipients of taxpayer money to stay in homes defaulted again within nine months.


Obama's mortgage plan is outright theft.
"The Obama administration announced new ways Friday to tackle the foreclosure crisis, in part by requiring lenders to temporarily slash or eliminate monthly mortgage payments for many borrowers who are unemployed."
According to the communist-in-chief, there's no such thing as property rights.


Democrats are desperately trying to change the subject from the substance of Obamacare, and the occasional threat of violence against them by Americans who are fed up with being on the receiving end of government's violence is giving them the opportunity. Obamacare is a fascist law, and this is how fascism always works. The people always rebel against the violence being used against them. This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. We're going to see the same kind of virulent racism, political violence and secret police actions that occurred in Italy, Germany, the Soviet Union, China and other totalitarian states.

Telling Americans not to respond to violence with violence is worthless. The right to keep and bear arms is the ultimate check on government tyranny, and the government has forced a number of people over the edge where they feel that responding with violence is the only way to stop the tyranny train. The more oppressive becomes, the worse it will get. I prefer electing libertarians, but most people think that's impossible. The US isn't magical. American exceptionalism flowed from the severely limited government we used to have. Freedom brought out the best in people and attracted the hardest working, most personally responsible immigrants, people who wanted to achieve success through their own work. Fascism here will have the same consequences as fascism everywhere else. Virulent racism, political violence, secret police, the rise of the strongman, war, etc. The fascism-lite we've lived under has already started the process, and this full-blown fascism will complete it.

Now they're blaming Sarah Palin for inciting violence.

Muslims and the Amish exempt from health care mandate? I'm conscientiously  against the mandate for reasons of liberty. Why should that be any different?

Companies are warning about higher health care costs. I've been warning about that since this debate started.
"Democrats dragged themselves over the health-care finish line in part by repeating that voters would like the plan once it passed. Let's see what they think when they learn their insurance costs will jump right away.
Even before President Obama signed the bill on Tuesday, Caterpillar said it would cost the company at least $100 million more in the first year alone. Medical device maker Medtronic warned that new taxes on its products could force it to lay off a thousand workers. Now Verizon joins the roll of businesses staring at adverse consequences.

In an email titled "President Obama Signs Health Care Legislation" sent to all employees Tuesday night, the telecom giant warned that "we expect that Verizon's costs will increase in the short term." While executive vice president for human resources Marc Reed wrote that "it is difficult at this point to gauge the precise impact of this legislation," and that ObamaCare does reflect some of the company's policy priorities, the message to workers was clear: Expect changes for the worse to your health benefits as the direct result of this bill, and maybe as soon as this year."
And that's the big corporations. It'll be worse for small businesses. These emails are a good thing. It's a way for Americans to learn of the consequences of Obamacare away from the political fighting.

55 percent of Americans want to see Obamacare repealed. That's probably the same 55 percent who wanted it to fail. They're going to be disappointed a second time.

Apparently I wasn't the only one who mailed this information about Republicans pushing the individual mandate to Boortz. That's why Republicans never fought the mandate.
""The truth is this is a Republican idea," said Linda Quick , president of the South Florida Hospital and Health care Association. She said she first heard the concept of the "individual mandate" in a Miami speech in the early 1990s by Sen. John McCain , a conservative Republican from Arizona , to counter the "Hillarycare" the Clintons were proposing."
Naturally McCain was involved. That guy is almost as big an enemy of freedom as Obama.

Obamacare taxes a barrier to investment.

12 taxes in Obamacare that affect people making less than $200,000. I don't know why people keep harping on this. Obama blew that promise long ago. You don't hear anybody on the left saying Obama kept that promise.

I like this guy...
"Congress has no more authority to tell Oklahomans where to buy health insurance than it does to tell them where to buy a fried chicken dinner."
Tell it like it is. Say it again. Naturally he's being attacked a racist for mentioning fried chicken. I love fried chicken.

Author debunks the claim that health care protesters called a black congressman a nigger.
"What is uncorroborated is whether Cleaver even heard a single person utter the slur in question. William Owens, a black Tea Party activist from Nevada who had joined in the protests, confirmed to, "Never did I hear any type of racial slur."

House majority whip James CIyburn, who walked with the contingent from the Black Caucus, heard no racist remarks either. "I experienced some of [the anger]," Clyburn told Keith Olbermann on March 22. "I didn`t hear the slurs." Still, this was more than enough for the factually indifferent Olbermann to conclude, "If racism is not the whole of the Tea Party, it is in its heart.""
Based on my experience, I expected that to be the case, and it is. It's a shame how people get manipulated by these lies so easily.

Richard Nixon proposed the first universal health care bill in 1974. That's limited government Republicans for you. Ben Stein thinks Nixon should be lauded for this.


Island disappears under the sea. Something's fishy about this report. Sea levels on average have been stable for years. This sounds like a local phenomenon. Here's the real story: this was sandbar washed away by currents. The reality is sea levels have risen less than an inch in 30 years.


How can an ordinance banning apartments from renting to illegal immigrants be unconstitutional? Renting to illegal immigrants is aiding and abetting a criminal.


Obama severely snubs Netanyahu. You mean he didn't bow to him? I think all the pomp and circumstance around aristocrats is stupid and counterproductive because it enforces the myth that they're more important and better than normal people, but the president should be consistent.

Sinking South Korean ship may have been attacked by North Korea.


Tea party people unhappy with Dick Armey and other Republicans influences. Me too. Don't let the Republicans hijack the movement.


How the media intentionally failed to report that Obamacare was a jobs killer and would violate Obama's often-violated tax pledge.
"ABC's Diane Sawyer told viewers March 19 that "the day he signs this bill, small businesses will get tax credits to spur more coverage of more employees." She didn't mention any of the tax increases on individuals or businesses."
Of course not. That would have gone against her agenda.

Who reads the papers?


Non-hybrid seeds - i.e. seeds for plants that produce seeds - could be more valuable than gold.

British man produces NASA quality photos of Earth from space for $747. Needless to say, NASA officials, who get their funding by taking money from taxpayers by force, are stunned and ask man how he did it. But here's the punch line.
"If you are thinking of duplicating Harrison's feat, you may first have to get permission from the FAA."

IPhone ap developed to control NASA robot.

Intellectual debate shows how statists have perverted the language of freedom including capitalism and free market so that it's hard to talk about those things anymore.

Because government ruins everything it touches and in the US, government dominates everything, we're in decline. Even military so many pride themselves on. This essay really lays it out. We're in deep doo-doo, and sinking fast.

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