Monday, March 15, 2010

Free kibbles


US intelligence services plotted to shut down wikileaks. If the government would quit doing bad stuff, it wouldn't have to worry about whistle-blowers.


Nancy Pelosi is a quote machine:
"Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance."
That sounds like somebody from San Francisco. She thinks all work should be equally reward meaning work has no value.


IRS raids car wash over four cents in back taxes only to discover the business did not owe any back taxes - not even four cents. But Harry Reid wants you to know that taxes are voluntary. According to Reid, government does not take taxes from us by force. We have nobody to blame for this insanity but ourselves. We are our own worse enemy.

Republicans champion Marxist income tax. With supposed friends like these, who needs enemies? We defeated Marxism in the Soviet Union, China and a few other countries, but Marxist institutions are thriving in the US and European governments.

The Social Security Administration wants to cash in on all the  IOUs  the government has left in its phony "lockbox".
"For more than two decades, Social Security collected more money inpayroll taxes than it paid out in benefits — billions more each year.
Not anymore. This year, for the first time since the 1980s, when Congress last overhauled Social Security, the retirement program is projected to pay out more in benefits than it collects in taxes — nearly $29 billion more."
Any guesses how that's going to work out?


In Obamacare passes, this is the inevitable path of our health care.
"The Medicare commission. This is the real secret of Mr. Orszag's cost-control confidence, and Harvard economist David Cutler wrote in our pages this week that this "independent board" of sages will have the power to recommend spending cuts and create "a process for fast-tracking such recommendations through Congress." We'll believe that when we see it, given how Congress has long overruled specific Medicare spending cuts.
But let's say Congress does cede power to this unelected group of wise men. The commission will then function much like similar bodies do in Europe—controlling costs by denying coverage for new technologies or patients at the end of life, or by limiting spending on certain treatments and thus creating longer waits. Governor Deval Patrick has already announced the early stages of such a price-control regime in Massachusetts."
Yes, Virginia, there are death panels. And we should send out a special thanks to Mitt Romney for leading the way on the government takeover of health care.

Obama's plan is to transform our dysfunctional health care system into a bankrupt system as part of his larger plan to collapse the American economy and spark a Marxist revolution. It's important to realize Obamacare is designed to fail.


The war on drugs crippled more than Juarez's economy.


Both guns uses in high profile shootings came from Memphis police department sale of seized property. This is the inevitable result of police departments which fund themselves by seizing property from citizens which has become the norm all over America.


Gearing up for war with Iran just as the mullah government is on the verge of collapse. You would think weapons shipments like this would be secret.


Where are the libertarians calling for non-interference with Israel? I smell a double standard.

Why is the Isreali government apologizing to the US government? Does it not have the power to act on behalf of the Israeli people? Does it not have the power to determine its own affairs? Does it not have the responsibility to defend its people? The Israeli government had done a terrible job of protecting its people in my lifetime. Its failure to stop rocket attacks and terrorists from Gaza and the West Bank has been  dereliction of duty. If the US government had allowed similarly consistent attacks for years and decades, we would have suffered a revolution by now. And rightly so. It's absurd that Israelis have tolerated these attacks. The key to peace in the Middle East is for Gazans an to a lessor extent terrorists from the West Bank to stop attacking Israel. They're the aggressors. If Palestinians would stop attacking Israel, there would be peace in the Middle East. Palestinians and only Palestinians have the power to make peace in the Middle East.  Libertarians would be smart to figure that out and start calling for the Palestinians to stop their attacks and make peace.

Why was a US envoy going to Israel anyway? Why are we involved is Israeli problems? Let Israel solve its own problems. We're a bunch of hypocrites who want to tell Israel what to do then bitch at them for doing it.

Iran hacks US intelligence websites.

Note to Thai protesters: You're not supposed to spill your own blood on the streets. You're supposed to spill the blood of your oppressors on the streets. Actually, this may get a lot of news coverage.

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