Monday, March 01, 2010

Free kibbles


UK officials want to require competency tests before subjects can own a pet.


Unions in action:
"A striking union at Vale Inco in Canada has engaged in "union thuggery" according a lawsuit filed by the company. The United Steelworkers Local 6500 and many of its members have resorted to intimidation and violence against people who continue to work during the strike. They have posted pictures and personal information like addresses and phone numbers on the union website and Facebook page. The workers who have been singled out have had their property and homes vandalized, they've received threatening phone calls and been physically assaulted. Meanwhile on the picket line, roads leading to the plant have been littered with nail spikes and they have set large fires to prevent anyone from coming to work."
This is what happens when government gives some people the power of coercion.

A brief, illustrated history of public sector unions. Video of Obama leading SEIU chant at SEIU campaign rally. Unions frustrated with Obama and Democrats. Me too, but for the opposite reasons.


I'm not thrilled with this upcoming gun-control case in front of the Supreme Court. The case takes the position that the 14th amendment projects the 2nd amendment onto state and local governments. I don't like that idea. The right to keep and bear arms is a natural right. It's not granted by the 2nd amendment. It's not granted by the 14th amendment. It's granted by nature and the 2nd amendment is merely an acknowledgment of that natural right. We have the right to keep and bear arms regardless of the 2nd or 14th amendments. I understand the attorneys picked a strategy they felt most likely to lead to victory, but that strategy undermines our natural rights by pretending that government determines them, not us. It also undermines freedom by arguing that the federal government as a central power can dictate to state and local governments. The people of Chicago should take up arms in mass and peacefully march on city hall to exercise their right to keep and bear arms and erase that illegal gun control law.

ATF seizes toy guns to destroy them because they can be converted into automatic weapons that fire soft pellet BBs. I often complain that government isn't good at anything, but it's really good at oppression.

Starbucks refuses to become a gun free zone. I'm surprised since Starbucks is beloved by liberals. But the coffee is still way overpriced.


Like prices, profits carry important information that guides entrepreneurs and producers to allocate scarce resources to the goods and services people want most.


California a greater risk than Greece. That's because California's economy and fiscal crisis is so much bigger.

Anybody who claims that unemployment benefits don't increase unemployment is lying. Nobody is so stupid they don't understand that.


The Fed has already spent more $4 trillion on bailouts. Why does it need statutory authority now? Maybe this just expands the number of entities that receive a bailout. This might be a way to for Congress to hide all future bailouts so the aristocrats don't have to take responsibility.

Why shouldn't Soros or anybody else cash in on the collapse of the euro? I wish I could cash in on it.


Health savings accounts work because they empower people to control their own health care costs, but they're a big-government solution to a problem created by big-government - the income tax and government dominated health care. The real solution is to get rid of the income tax and get government out of our health care.


Maryland suffers 4.5 SWAT raids per day. That's incredible.
"Over the last six months of 2009, SWAT teams were deployed 804 times in the state of Maryland, or about 4.5 times per day. In Prince George's County alone, with its 850,000 residents, a SWAT team was deployed about once per day. According to a Baltimore Sun analysis, 94 percent of the state's SWAT deployments were used to serve search or arrest warrants, leaving just 6 percent in response to the kinds of barricades, bank robberies, hostage takings, and emergency situations for which SWAT teams were originally intended.
Worse even than those dreary numbers is the fact that more than half of the county’s SWAT deployments were for misdemeanors and nonserious felonies. That means more than 100 times last year Prince George’s County brought state-sanctioned violence to confront people suspected of nonviolent crimes. And that's just one county in Maryland. These outrageous numbers should provide a long-overdue wake-up call to public officials about how far the pendulum has swung toward institutionalized police brutality against its citizenry, usually in the name of the drug war. "
No kidding.


Obama plans dramatic, unilateral nuclear arms reductions. What? Why would we give up our nuclear advantage? I'm all for reducing nuclear weapons, but not unilaterally. This is self-imposed gun control for our country, and it will have the same consequences - making us potential victims. Can the president do this on his own? I hope not. I can't help but think this is a political move to regain support from the same pacifists who support gun-control.Or maybe it's an attempt to distract the people from health care oppression.


Nancy Pelosi woos tea partiers. It's bad enough that big-government Republicans have managed to coopt that movement, but I don't think Democrats have a chance.

Boortz supports health care mandate Romney. He's not allowed to claim he's a libertarian any more.

Charlie Rangel should resign, but he won't.


In an essay describing how talk radio hosts hate libertarians and Ron Paul, author presents an analogy that conforms to my beliefs more than any I've ever read.
"You are America. You have a choice of riding in 2 vehicles: The "D Racer" or the "R Mobile." Both are speeding toward the brick wall of Tyranny. The only difference – the "D Racer" is going 150 mph; the "R Mobile" 125 mph. In which would you care to meet your certain demise? What? Oh – that OTHER one? The Libertarian "Freedom Machine"? But that one is heading in the opposite direction, toward Liberty. What’s more, Ron Paul and a bunch of Libertarians are driving! How could that be? He is so…so… unelectable!"
I'd have probably put the R Mobile at 140.
"We also learned that Republicans and too many Conservatives continue devolving into "Constitutional Darwinists." That is, their Constitution is "alive," too and slowly devolving from the Original to accommodate the same cultural, societal and governmental changes Liberals do, just in different areas at different speeds for different preferences."
Exactly. No Republican other than Ron Paul supports the plain language of the Constitution. No Republican other than Ron Paul is calling for abolishing the Dept. of Education, the FCC, EPA, etc. on constitutional grounds. If you claim that the Constitution is the highest law of the land and that government must follow it, the only R or D candidate you can support is Ron Paul.


Bureaucrats changing non-politically correct names of places. History doesn't matter. Just rewrite it with a stroke of a pen.

Great "don't trust your government" story.

Lincoln as the anti-Jefferson.

Goldman-Sachs hires PR firm of Bush confidant to improve its crooked image. Goldman is smart to be in bed with both parties.

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