Monday, March 08, 2010

Free kibbles


Barney Frank warns that Fannie and Freddie may not pay out for investors. On the one hand, good for him. Taxpayers should not bail out Fannie and Freddie investors or any other investor. But looking at the more important picture, this isn't a decision for politicians. It's a decision for the people risking their own money in the marketplace. Privatize Fannie and Freddie and every other socialist company and let the market allocate those resources to the most effective projects.


Forbes reports that wealth radiates from Washington D.C. Of course it does. They're taking it from us by force and enriching themselves and their cronies.

This is what I don't get:
"There is one thing that Democrats, Republicans and Independents can all agree on - the debt we owe is our greatest long-term threat to national security."
Duh. You don't have to be an expert to recognize this. I've been explaining it to people for 20 years. I've been explaining it to my friends, co-workers, politicians, pundits, newspaper editors and anybody who would listen. I also explained that it was the inevitable result of our political system and our two failed partied because of the nature of aristocrats. Unfortunately, nobody listened. In the last few years I've been telling the same people that the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the war on terror, the war on South America, the war on drugs, and all the other wars we're fighting are immaterial because we can't fight any wars when our country is broke. All our welfare programs are killing us. We we're losing the war for America, and that's the only war that counts. I also explained that this is the inevitable result of our political system and our two failed parties because of the nature of aristocrats. Nobody listened.

Now everybody seems surprised that what I've been predicting for 20 years is happening, yet nobody will quit voting for the two failed parties who we empowered to do this to us. For example, even though Boortz has finally pointed out the problem, he's still carrying water for Republicans and acting like this is just the fault of Democrats. Baloney. I guess he conveniently forgot the Bush years that Obama is building off of. The new administration always starts expanding power at where the previous administration left off. Obama is standing Bush's shoulders much like Stalin stood on Lenin's.

We're the stupidest people the world has ever seen and our ancestors who gave us the greatest birthright of freedom any human has ever known will spit on us when we die for throwing their hard work and sacrifice in the trash. Our children will spit on our graves and curse us for as long as they live. And we'll deserve it. Solving this problem has always been as simple as adding two plus two, and it still is. Quit whining about it, admit it's our fault, and stop voting for the same two parties that are destroying our country. But we won't do it. Instead the lemmings will take us all over the cliff, each side blaming the other more angrily every day.

Hopefully this CBO report will be enough to derail Obamacare.


Schools considering four day weeks. This would be great. Children would do a lot better in school if they had more time off. Play time is crucial to a child's development and education. If they do this, watch all the so-called experts be surprised when performance improves. Unfortunately so many parents use schools as a baby-sitter service instead of caring about what's best for their children, they'll raise a fit to stop this.
"State legislators and local school boards are giving administrators greater flexibility to set their academic calendars, making the four-day slate possible."
Central planners are "allowing" it. They're taking the gun from administrators' heads in this particular instance, but they're keeping the gun to our heads on pretty much everything else. We suffer the constant and pervasive threat of violence from our rulers over every decision we make our entire lives. And we wonder why our society is so degraded. If we had competitive schools, optimal schedules for different types of children would have been worked out long ago.


Democrats still resisting Obamacare.

British aristocrats busted for trying to suppress report showing how bad socialized medicine in Britain is.
"DAMNING reports on the state of the National Health Service, suppressed by the government, reveal how patients’ needs have been neglected.

They diagnose a blind pursuit of political and managerial targets as the root cause of a string of hospital scandals that have cost thousands of lives.
The harsh verdict on the state of the NHS, after a spending splurge under Labour between 2000 and 2008, raises worrying questions about the future quality of the health service as budgets are squeezed.

One report, based on the advice of almost 200 top managers and doctors, says hospitals ignored basic hygiene to cram in patients to meet waiting-time targets."
Everything government touches is poisoned by politics and the amount of poison is proportional to the amount of money involved. You'd think Democrats were ignorant of the horrendous conditions socialized medicine creates. They're not. The march to socialized medicine is about power, not health care, and Democrats will happily watch Americans die in health care squaller to get that power.


Democrat congressman ousted over report of an inappropriate comment made to a male staffer claims he was really ousted because he planned to vote against health care oppression. True or not, this is 100 percent believable. The question is, if he didn't to anything wrong, why is he resigning? If he's so mad at Democrats, why doesn't he stay in his seat and vote against it? If he was a yes vote, would Democrats pressure him to resign?

Boortz highlight the double-standard of comparing Bush to a chimpanzee versus comparing Michelle Obama to a chimpanzee. I never saw anybody compare Laura Bush to a chimpanzee.

Apparently even non-free market supporters thought Peter Schiff won the Republican Senate primary debate in Connecticut.

This T-shirt is funny.

Charlie Rangel's replacement as the Democrat Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee caught not paying taxes. Democrats are happy to raise taxes on the rest of us because they don't pay them.

In a reminder that all politics is local, Democrats in southeastern Texas nominated a woman on the platform of impeaching Obama for cutting NASA's budget.


The anti-gay marriage Republican caught cruising a gay bar admits he's gay. He's also proof that gays can get married according to the same laws as anybody else since this guy is married and has kids. The civil rights argument for gay marriage is a sham. Government restricts all of us. You can't marry a child. You can't marry an immediate family member. And you can't marry anybody of the same sex. That's why we should end government control over marriage and let people enter into marriage contracts as they see fit. Let individuals and society in general determine which marriages are are legitimate, not government, which would only enforce contracts. That's freedom. As for hospitals that have restrictions on visitors, they should be free to erect whatever restrictions they like. If you don't like those restrictions, choose a competing hospital. It should all be voluntary.

The headline has to be intentionally humorous. Republicans turned off by the size of Obama's package.

Normal people see through Keynesian economics. You have to be brainwashed in a university not to, which is why I keep saying the Ivy League is the world's greatest brainwasher of smart people with dumb policies. This quote from Orwell goes a long way toward explaining why voters keep harming all of us by voting for Republicans and Democrats:
"How could this be the case? Because of what George Orwell observed in 1946, the same year that Keynes died. "To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.""
I like the idea of using the gun image to refute Keynesianism.

Linking copper to Alzheimer's.

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