Thursday, March 25, 2010

Free kibbles


Author just realized that liberals hate free speech.Who is he, Rip Van Winkle?

Here's another example of Orwellian speak from a bureaucrat:
"I would, however, like to inform you, or perhaps remind you, that our domestic laws, both provincial and federal, delineate freedom of expression (or "free speech") in a manner that is somewhat different than the approach taken in the United States. I therefore encourage you to educate yourself, if need be, as to what is acceptable in Canada and to do so before your planned visit here."
Free speech laws are a non sequitur. If there are laws regulating speech, it isn't free. And that goes for shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater too. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences of speech. It's not freedom to harm others using speech. If a person in a free society shouted fire in a crowded theater and the people ran out, he would be subject to civil penalties based on the to others and potentially criminal penalties if anybody got injured. Further, in a free society, there's no such things as preemptive laws. You trust people not to harm others, and you only punish them after they do. There should be no law against shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater or restricting speech in any way.


Germany, France and the IMF agree to Greece bailout deal. Our federal government sends money to the IMF, so our tax dollars are going to be used to bailout Greece. Do you feel like paying for Greece's bailout?

Unemployment benefits incentivize people not to work. Duh.

Young liberals exuding entitlement mentality buying organic salmon with food stamps.
"Magida, a 30-year-old art school graduate, had been installing museum exhibits for a living until the recession caused arts funding -- and her usual gigs -- to dry up. She applied for food stamps last summer, and since then she's used her $150 in monthly benefits for things like fresh produce, raw honey and fresh-squeezed juices from markets near her house in the neighborhood of Hampden, and soy meat alternatives and gourmet ice cream from a Whole Foods a few miles away.

"I'm eating better than I ever have before," she told me. "Even with food stamps, it's not like I'm living large, but it helps."
Mak, 31, grew up in Westchester, graduated from the University of Chicago and toiled in publishing in New York during his 20s before moving to Baltimore last year with a meager part-time blogging job and prospects for little else. About half of his friends in Baltimore have been getting food stamps since the economy toppled, so he decided to give it a try; to his delight, he qualified for $200 a month.

"I'm sort of a foodie, and I'm not going to do the 'living off ramen' thing," he said, fondly remembering a recent meal he'd prepared of roasted rabbit with butter, tarragon and sweet potatoes. "I used to think that you could only get processed food and government cheese on food stamps, but it's great that you can get anything.""
We created this entitlement monster by voting for the same two anti-American parties no matter how badly they screwed up our country.


Wall Street anxiously awaits new regulations. Of course it does. The big firms will manipulate those regulations to their favor while forcing competition out of the market. Regulations will make the Wall Street giants richer and everybody else poorer.

10 year old starts salsa company to help his family earn money, becomes successful until the food police caught him.
"The paperwork and bills are piling up. After fees for inspections, new labels and jars, UPC codes, an El Dorado County business license and similar expenses, the family has forked over about $2,000 to keep Diego's Awesome Salsa on store shelves."
I love how bureaucrats have all mastered the art of Orwellian speech...
""While (the department) encourages entrepreneurial spirit, we are most concerned about the health of Californians and want them to have confidence that the products they consume are safe," said Ronald Owens, a department spokesman."
Encouraging now means discouraging.


White House bans private school children from Easter Egg hunt. That has to be illegal. The government can't discriminate like that.


How true is this?
"Congress just passed a law threatening to send [armed] thugs to peoples’ homes to do violence if they fail to buy health insurance, yet many of them are now complaining about being threatened for doing so. And all with zero sense of irony."
Government is violence and threat of violence.

Congressman John Conyers, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, says the health care mandate is based on the "good and welfare" clause of the Constitution. You can't make this stuff up.

Big Pharma and Big Insurance supported Obamacare. Insurance companies turn against Obamacare because they realize the plan is designed to put them out of business. The birth of our employer based health care system.

I emailed Boortz a better tweet than this one. His:
"Nancy Pelosi will be grinning and laughing this afternoon. Today will do more damage than 9/11."
"Obamacare is the greatest single act of violence government has perpetrated on the American people since the Civil War."
I hope it isn't too long. It's good to see Boortz has finally realized what I've been telling him for a while - our government is conquering us, and it's the most dangerous enemy we've ever faced. The fascists couldn't conquer us. The communists couldn't conquer us. But our government is conquering us. Forget the war on terror. Forget the war in Iraq. We have to win the war for America.

List of new taxes on people making less than $200,000 a year.

More on how Obamacare will punish small businesses.

Bogus constitutional arguments supporting Obamacare.

Health care mandates drive up prices.

The narcissist-in-chief orchestrates health care oppression signing ceremony to boost his ego. Forget that the president wanted to compromise until Nancy Pelosi took over and rammed Obamacare through. This highlights one of Obama's few skills - taking credit for the work of others. Who wrote his first book? I think this guy is one of the people who voted for Obama then regretted it.

20 ways Obamacare will take away our freedom.

2003 testimony from Heritage Foundation expert on how Congress can enact universal health care coverage including a mandate to buy health insurance sounds a lot like Obamacare because it's a lot like Romneycare. Anybody who thinks Republicans opposed Obamacare on principle is deluded.

Suggested actions to fight Obamacare.

Naturally Fidel Castro applauds Obamacare.


Off-duty undercover cops beat men, and when the uniformed police show up, they join in the beating.

FBI to investigate opponents of Obamcare because we're all dangerous radicals who might respond to the violence of government with violence.

The Dept. of Transportation to promote biking and walking. What this really means is they're going to attack motor vehicles and make us all poorer.


British airport security guy takes nude scanner picture of female co-worker and makes lewd comment about her breasts. Every pervert in the world is getting a job running nude scanners.

Bin Laden threatens to kill any Americans captured by al Qaeda if the US executes Khalid Sheikh Mohammad. What's he going to do otherwise? Send them to Disneyland? This is obviously intended to inflame his supporters.

Concern that the American involved in the Mumbai terrorist attacks may have been a US intelligence agent.
"Again, the plea bargain confirms that Headley had a criminal record in the US from 1989 as a conspirator to import heroin and spent a total of six years in prison as a result of four convictions. He was later recruited as an agent by US drug-enforcement authorities, who after the 9/11 attacks in the US coordinated closely with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The plea bargain details that while working as an American agent Headley attended at least five “training courses” conducted by the LeT in Pakistan, including sessions in the use of weapons and grenades, close-combat tactics and counter-surveillance techniques, from February 2002 until December 2003. 
Training courses in April and in December 2003 were each of three months' duration and in such close proximity to the 9/11attacks that it stretches credulity to believe the CIA didn't care to know what their agent was doing in the LeT training camps. 

Today, the heart of the matter is how much did the CIA know in advance about the Mumbai terrorist strike and whether the Obama administration shared all "actionable intelligence" with Delhi? "
Oh man.


Tea Party organizers in row over Sarah Palin's speaking contract.

Judge Napolitano issues a call to arms.
"We will need a major political transformation in this country to rid ourselves of persons in government who kill, lie, cheat, and steal in our names. We will need to recognize some painful truths.

First, we must acknowledge that through the actions of the government we have lost much of the freedom that we once all thought was guaranteed by the Constitution, our laws, and our values. The lost freedoms have been cataloged in this book and need not be restated here. In sum, they are the loss of the primacy of the individual’s inalienable rights and the concept that government is limited in its powers. We have lost the diffusion of power between the states and the federal government. We have lost a federal government that stays within the confines of the Constitution.

Second, we must recognize that we do not have a two-party system in this country; we have one party, the Big Government Party. There is a Republican version that assaults our civil liberties and loves deficits and war, and a Democratic version that assaults our commercial liberties and loves wealth transfers and taxes.
Third, we must acknowledge that there is a fire in the bellies of millions of young people who reject both wretched visions of the Big Government Party. These millions of young folks need either to form a Liberty Party or to build on the libertarian base in the Republican Party by banishing Big Government conservatives, neocons, and so-called social conservatives who want to use government to tell others how to live their lives back to the Democratic Party from whence they came.
Then we need a political fever that consumes the careers of all in government who voted for the Patriot Act, the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the TARP and stimulus programs, the federal takeover of education, spying on Americans without warrants, and all other unconstitutional monstrosities that have tethered lovers of liberty to Washington, D.C."
He's speaking my language. As the judge says, we have to start by acknowledging several painful truths. First, we're not free. We foolishly surrendered our freedom to the worst people in the country. Until we admit that, we'll continue our decline into collapse. Second, Republicans and Democrats are identical on everything that counts. The goal of both parties is to loot the people to their advantage in the power struggle with the other. The superficial differences between them reflect the different constituencies they loot. They are not principled differences - that's why they change with the wind. No matter which party wins, we lose.
"If we fear our own government, if we accept its deceptions, its lies to us, if we take no action to redress them, our freedoms are doomed."
That's exactly what we've done for decades. For my entire life. For a century. He should have said if we continue to do that.


Washington Post columnist writes of tea party activists:
"I know how the "tea party" people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their "Obama Plan White Slavery" signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads."
You can't help but love those tolerant liberals who are so much better than the rest of us. And liberals complain about Ann Coulter (do you think that would be hate speech in Canada?). Can you imagine if a conservative or libertarian mainstream writer had written, or if a talk radio host had said, such a thing about a liberal? He or she'd be fired already. He'd be erased from history by now. I'm pretty sure I saw every sign at the protest Saturday, and not one of them was racist or homophobic, let alone said what he quotes.


Yes, Manuel, the UN is that bad.

Pre-1982 pennies are worth twice their face value because they're 95 percent copper and 1946 to present nickels are worth 12 percent more than their face value.

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