Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Free kibbles


Great, short video explains that every government program is socialism. The military is socialized. The courts are socialized. The police are socialized. If you support any government programs, you support socialism.

GM supports having government force companies to put black boxes in all cars. Funny how the government supports the government. They're going to seize control of our cars. You know they'll record conversations, the music or radio stations you listen to, every stop you make, how long you spent there and everything else.


Here's a rare peak behind the curtain of a central bank. An ex-governor of the UK central bank admits it intentionally fueled the consumption boom that created the housing bubble which popped in 2007.
"The Bank of England deliberately stoked the consumer boom that has led to record house prices and personal debt in order to avert a recession, the former Bank Governor Eddie George admitted yesterday.
"We knew that we were having to stimulate consumer spending. We knew we had pushed it up to levels which couldn't possibly be sustained into the medium and long term. But for the time being, if we had not done that, the UK economy would have gone into recession just as the United States did.""
So instead of allowing a simple recession to wipe out the malinvestment, the central bank stocked the fires and created the second Great Depression. Those central planners are geniuses. We should all bow down to their expertise. This shows short term political considerations outweigh intelligent policy, and that's always true when government controls anything.


The many problems with No Child Left Behind. Really there's only one problem - the government school monopoly command structure.


Corporations big winners in Obamacare. Small businesses and the people are the big losers.

Mussolini once said, "Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." That's what Democrats just did to our health care system. There's long been a fascist as well as socialist element to our health care system that drove up costs and reduced the quality of care, but this federal seizure of control of our health care system is reminiscent of classic Italian fascism. Now that Obama has signed the Senate bill into law, I wonder when he will start wearing a military uniform.

One of the immediate consequences of Obamacare:
"On CNBC’s Squawk Box this morning, they agreed that if there is government health care, and therefore “we” are financially responsible for everyone’s illness, then the government must control food companies so they offer healthy (in the Department of Agriculture’s view) food, and make people eat, drink, and smoke less. It was a great demonstration of the totalitarian aura of such legislation."
Not only did Obamacare take away our right to life, it takes away our right to the pursuit of happiness too.

Chart of Pelosi's health care plan. This must be post-reconciliation. Warning: it's large.

When you think back on how Republicans constantly expanded government intervention in our health care system including Romneycare which is the model for Obama, their opposition to Obamacare becomes transparent. It's all about Democrats shutting Republicans out of the looting.

Here's what I'm talking about when I say that Democrats monopolized the looting which is why Republicans are so upset.
"The Obammunist’s socialized health care legislation promises to cut Medicare spending by hundreds of billions of dollars while increasing Medicaid spending by hundreds of billions.  At least half of all Medicare enrollees vote Republican; almost all Medicaid enrollees vote Democrat.  This is why the Obammunists are so euphoric today."
Not only did Democrats successfully loot us on behalf of one of their core special interest groups, they cut Republican looting on behalf of arguably their most powerful special interest group. It's all about power and politics. Health care be damned.

Anybody who voted for Obama is unhappy with his health care oppression law should never vote again. We knew this is was what he was going to do if he could. Those voters made it possible. I hope you reap what you sowed on the rest of us.

Boortz explains how health care oppression plays into Obama's plans to collapse the US economy. Note on the mandate to purchase health insurance.

Obamacare is far more damaging deal than Medicare or Social Security.
"Like any major piece of legislation, this bill assigns winners and losers. The winners will be those who today are uninsured, but who will (eventually) acquire insurance. But there will not be a major reduction in the uninsured until 2014. So, the actual winners are going to be pretty few in number for some time.
Meanwhile, the losers begin to feel the effects immediately. Between now and the next presidential election, ObamaCare is going to pay out virtually zero dollars in benefits, but it will take billions out of Medicare. This is bad for seniors. They have an incentive to oppose portions of this bill (while supporting others, like the closing of the "Doughnut Hole," which Republicans will never repeal)."
True, but so what? It can't be repealed while Obama is in the White House. It would take a large majority in the House, a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and Republican president to repeal it in 2012, but Republicans don't want to repeal it. They want to control it and use it to loot the American people themselves. The only way to get rid of Obamacare short of the collapse of the US government (which should be shortly) is to elect a president who will enforce the Constitution as written and nullify 200+ years of unconstitutional laws. That's not going to happen. Not even Ron Paul is willing to do that, and he's closest thing we have to a law abiding candidate.

Initial reports of all the deals Pelosi made to buy votes from her caucus with our money. This is ugly.

The transparency of Stupak's cave.

Since Obama took office, I'd said that so far he hadn't caused significantly more damage than McCain would have. Passing health care oppression changed that. McCain had a plan that would have actually improved our health care system if he could have gotten it passed.

10 supposed benefits to occur immediately. Look for the rate hikes or bankruptcies, whichever, to hit immediately too.

This is a good point about Republicans who want to pretend they had nothing to do with Obamacare:
"I wonder how many of the Republican faithful — who now wring their hands over the enactment of Obama’s “health care” measure — understand how their unprincipled and mindless defense of George W. Bush’s war-making, empire-building, and crony-capitalism was responsible for the Democrats getting swept into power in Washington?"
Probably none. I doubt they realize that by supporting all the Republican power grabs for eight years they enabled this Democrat power grab. Each president and congress builds on the powers seized by the one before it. Kind of like anything you say will be used against you in a court of law, any power we give to either Republicans or Democrats will be used by both parties against us.

Important reminder that the seeds of Obamacare were laid at the turn of last century, they sprouted during WWII and government domination of our health care system grew in spurts to this point with government seizing more and more power to combat the bigger and bigger problems each previous power grab created. This is not the endpoint. It won't end until we suffer under full-blown socialized medicine. Government control of our health care will do the same to our health care as government control of schools has done to our education system. It will fail like our schools fail. Except for the rich and powerful like in Cuba, we will live shorter, more painful, less productive lives like our children fail to get an education.
"There is no greater example of why it is morally incumbent on everyone to oppose all forms of government intervention in all times. That includes, especially, wars that socialize the economy. Even seemingly small interventions can become huge and terrible decades later, even after those who imposed the measure are long dead."
"[A] worsening system of medical provision is only the beginning of the downside of universal health insurance. The unseen costs include inflation down the line, worsening business cycles, and, quite possibility, the final destruction of the dollar and the wiping out of all private wealth."
Like I said, small businesses will be squeezed out of business, all the jobs they create will be destroyed, and we'll be left with only government and its corporate agents to rule us.


Since Democrats are going to get kicked out of office come November anyway, tax and trade is a lot more likely to pass. Let's hope Republicans unite to shut down the Senate.


Scientists have noticed that drug prohibition causes violence.
"States the author, “And in a paper released today, the researchers note that 13 out of 15 studies found that drug law enforcement was associated with increasing levels of drug-market violence.”"
What took them so long? Immorality (using violence against others) always creates corruption and more violence.


I have no problem with the FBI infiltrating mosques that have produced domestic terrorists or criminal organizations like ACORN. But they have no business infiltrating tea parties or non-radicalized mosques.


Prediction that Obama will start another war in order to keep Democrats from being wiped out in November after this health care debacle. That's how Clinton stayed in office.


This Google-China conflict threatens to drag Hong Kong into the fray. I was unhappy with Google when it agreed to censor search results to enter the Chinese market, but right now I wonder if this wasn't Google's plan all along. Now that the Chinese people demand Google, it has a lot of leverage. China strikes back. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

Why does the US need to protect Israel from an Iranian nuclear weapon? Israel can take care of itself.


I don't believe for a minute that ACORN is going away. It's changing its name and taking extra steps to make it appear to break up, but a turd by any other name would smell as foul.


Gamers pay money to play with girls (supposedly) hired to play with them.

Government using Dora the Explorer to get kids to push their parents into filling out the census forms. It should be illegal for government to target children in its ads.

I could have written this first email.
"I’ve been there several times, and the place always creeps me out. Sure, the monuments impress a little, but very soon you feel like you are in Red Square being watched by the KGB (which, of course, you are). The government is literally all around you.  The whole city is centrally planned, with the grand boulevards, the sterile subways, the hideous government office buildings. It’s the modern version of the pyramids. Impressive but useless. After 5, everything becomes curiously quiet as everyone returns to their suburban McMansions and Georgetown townhouses. The whole place is as phony as a Federal Reserve Note."
It's like Frankencity.

Ice walls on Mars. This is a fantastic photograph, but this effort should be funded by voluntary contributions not by taking money from people by force.

The relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the Wealth of Nations and how the philosophy behind both produced the most successful economic system at lifting men out of squalor ever known - capitalism.
"When the colonists finally rose in resistance, then in rebellion, Horace Walpole expressed his fear that if King George III were to win a victory in his American war the sequel would be chains on Englishmen at home."
This is why the Whigs worked to support our independence in England or we'd have never won.

There's all kinds of ways to describe the grave mistakes the American people have made with their votes for the last hundred or more years, but one of my favorites is that the people assumed a piece of paper would protect them instead of realizing they had to protect the piece of paper. That was sheer laziness. The Constitution is just words on a paper. The only influence it has over our elected officials is the influence we give it.

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