Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Free kibbles

FCC to remove regulations that limited cable competition in apartment complexes. The FCC should remove all regulations limiting competition. This isn't rocket science. Everybody wins when suppliers compete. Why is the government interfering in the free market, protecting companies from competition and hurting consumers?

US changes policy and will no longer release NIE intelligence estimates because they can hurt relations with other countries. This sounds more like a way to keep the public from learning how poorly our intelligence services perform, and to insure that the public doesn't get a different view other than political propaganda, which is often inconsistent with the intelligence estimates.

Report claims US gave immunity to Blackwater employees who killed 17 Iraqi civilians. Our government is ridiculously screwed up and getting worse every day. The radio reported that immunity was offered by the State Dept. I don't see how they have any authority to offer immunity. Only prosecutors can do that.

Somali pirates hijack a South Korean ship a day after hijacking a Japanese ship. Of course it falls to the US Navy to stop pirates anywhere in the world, and we haven't done a good job off Somalia. I wonder how much the world pays us to police the seas. Crew retakes ship from pirates. Excellent.

Honduras port detects radioactive material in shipping container. Security systems worked in that case.

Russian government stages pro-Putin rallies. But unlike the phony FEMA press conference, they aren't popularly condemned.

Children are more likely to die from anything than adults. These global warming fascists will stop at nothing. Case in point, Australia is blaming heart attacks, strokes and obesity on global warming.

Liberals don't seem to understand the difference between a nuclear power program in Egypt and a nuclear weapons program in Iran.

Reason discusses the war on Halloween.

Reason exposes real-life blood sucking vampire wannabes.

Author shows the Google Docs presentation tool is inferior to Powerpoint.

Pelosi's popularity is falling. What a shock. Pelosi edits transcript to condition support for Rangel's record tax hike.

I doubt Democrats will actually debate fixing Social Security and Medicare.

Why is the press suddenly up in arms about children's Halloween costumes? I don't believe for a minute that they're any different this year than last year.

Janitorial contractor sues governor for racial discrimination because he barred the company from work because they employed illegal aliens. I about sick and tired of the race-baiting being used by proponents of illegal immigration against opponents of illegal immigration. This has nothing to do with race. It has to do with law and with behavior. The proponents of illegal immigration understand this, but they use race-baiting to try and discredit opponents anyway.

Child raised money to buy cancer drugs for her dad not available to British citizens through NHS. Record number of Brits going overseas to get health care.

Boortz reports that the New York driver's licenses are different for illegal aliens than US citizens. That means it will easy to round them up and send them home. I doubt illegal aliens will get those licenses. But the rest of the New York residents will be stuck with national ID cards.

Of course everybody should have to uncover their face to vote. Muslims should have no exception. Otherwise people could vote multiple times or assume other identities to vote. Only an idiotic government would allow voters to wear masks while voting.

Boortz reports that the seniors most opposed to unionizing senior care staff is ex-union employees. Of course.

Boortz recommends A rated children's charities.

Boortz reports that Bush plans to cave on SCHIP. What's one more big, boondoggle spending program after orchestrating the greatest growth of government in history?

Boortz says he would vote for Huckabee if the election was held today. Why? Huckabee is basically a Bush clone who thinks government should push his religious values on the rest of us.

10% of schools graduate less than 60% of their students. I bet they're all government schools.

Imam who preached that in the end of days Muslims must kill the Jews is surprised that Cleveland citizens don't want him.

Anti-US radicals leading South American countries like Venezuela and others are driving their countries into poverty. Socialism always leads to poverty.

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