Thursday, October 04, 2007

Free kibbles

Ban alert: California cities to vote on banning smoking in apartments and condos. These supposed do-gooders have no respect for freedom, private property or people. They're just doing this to exert their self-proclaimed moral superiority. It's all about power and force hiding behind a thin mask of altruism.

Illegal aliens are leaving Arizona, self-deporting, in advance of a new law that would require employers to check records of employees. Employers found in violation of the law will lose their business permits, first temporarily, then permanently for a repeat offense. Like I've said repeatedly, the solution to the illegal immigrant problem is to have employers check their employees citizenship. I've said illegal aliens will self-deport in this case. We don't need a fence. We just need to remove the economic incentive (jobs) for them to come here. This is exactly what we're seeing in Arizona. Businesses will adapt and thrive on legal labor. This isn't hard.

Cities and states issuing ID cards to illegal immigrants. This should make it easier to find them and deport them, even though that's not the intention. 1,300 southern California illegal aliens deported.

Iraq buys $100 million in weapons from China, citing US bureaucracy as an obstacle. No doubt.

Yet another study shows that solar output is the main driver of climate change. Any honest supporter of anthropomorphic climate change would have given an embarrassed apology by now, and we've seen a few. But the prophets of the church of man-made global warming aren't honest; they're hard-core socialists who just want money and power for themselves at the expense of the rest of us.

Indonesia to plant 79 million trees in one day. This is excellent. It's good to see somebody finally taking my suggestion to plant more trees seriously. I wonder how much oxygen a mature tree puts out. Probably enough for one human.

Parents force school to change direction and keep Halloween and Christmas holidays. They'll also add Ramadan. I have no problem with that. Nice job, parents.

Microsoft launches free health records site. Just wait until it gets hacked. People will go nuts.

Author mistakenly blames the free market for failing to deliver certain products. What stopped a native American from making shoes tailored to native Americans? Most likely a lack of demand, contrary to what the author thinks. Or lack of capital investment because of over-regulation. If we had a much freer market and a real demand, this demand would have been addressed long ago.

Reason says sending poor kids to middle class schools doesn't make them score better. That's because the responsibility for education lies with the student and his family, not the school. You can't teach somebody who doesn't want to learn.

Christopher Hitchens inspires a man to join the military.

Do we need a news article to tell us the House is as partisan as ever? These 2 parties have to work overtime to convince Americans there's a difference. Sure, Democrats would drive us to bankruptcy a few years sooner and have defeated by our enemies a few years sooner, but Republicans are taking us that same place too.

Fred Thompson thought the Senate was a waste of time. Fred Thompson on federalism. You just don't see this kind of well thought out and presented arguments from politicians anymore. Except for Newt. This is one of the reasons I still predict Fred to win it all, though I wish he would articulate more detailed plans. This guy agrees.

Austin Bay is impressed with Rudy Giuliani's foreign policy goals. He claims no other candidate has shown such mastery of the problems we have. But all Giuliani has done is identify what normal Americans and critics have been pointing out for decades. Our government doesn't work. The bureaucracies are like medieval fiefdoms, they don't respond to our elected officials and therefore they are unaccountable to the people. The idea that Giuliani can impose some kind of new culture on these monstrosities is ludicrous. He might as well try to impose a new culture on a T-Rex. We need to gut them. Only after we dramatically shrink them can we change their culture by rebuilding them from the ground up. Giuliani is not bold enough to do this. They will continue along their merry way oblivious to whichever statist candidate we elect.

Hillary Clinton has 33 point lead. She was anointed long ago.

Asteroid renamed after George Takei.

John Stossel explains the benefits gained when individuals take responsibility for their own health care and he points to Whole Foods as an example of workers doing so.

Victor Davis Hanson explains, without really explaining the consequences, of our titanic government spending.

George Will discussed the politics of SCHIP, but while attempting to illustrate the differences of the 2 parties, he only succeeds in pointing out both parties support federal payments for health care. The only difference is how much money. We need to stop the handouts altogether. In the mean time, social security and Medicare are crashing and burning while the 2 parties fiddle.

Rick Lowry on Clarence Thomas.

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