Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Free kibbles

Lone judge blocks US from going after illegal aliens. This is nuts. Boortz reports on the cost of illegal immigrants to Americans. Over $1 billion per year in LA alone. Wow.

How Putin plans to rule Russia forever.

Quebec introduces a carbon tax. This will hurt businesses and residents in Quebec. I hope we see the negative effects quickly, before we punish ourselves with something similar. The taxes are pretty small though, so I'm afraid their effect won't be seen for a while. They also won't help reduce CO2 emissions. Arctic heat wave stuns observers. This sounds like typical alarmism about a very local effect. These people are well funded to promote alarmism.

US claims success in the misnamed war on drugs. Reducing supply just drives up prices. It doesn't reduce demand. Those higher prices will lead to greater supply. It's just simple economics. The article doesn't mention all the money, blood and freedom we waste on this war against Americans.

Israel confirms strike on Syria.

UK cuts 1,000 more troops from Basra.

Korean summit in North Korea. Kim Jong-Il cannot be trusted.

Democrats propose raising taxes ostensibly to pay for the Iraq war. They know damn good and well this will stall the economy and reduce revenue. That's what they really want.

School replaces Halloween and Christmas with fall festival and winter festival. This is bull. I hope the parents rebel, oust the stupid officials who made this decision, and reverse it.

Ford sales drop 21%. Wow. Adopt the FairTax.

Why our closest allies don't like us. In fact, more recent polls show this rebounding. The Europeans are finally waking up to the threat of Islamic terrorists and moving our way.

Reason on genetic testing for suicide.

Bloomberg calls critics of surveillance cameras ridiculous. For a guy like Bloomberg, its government's job to take away our privacy.

Obama proposes eliminating nuclear weapons. This just shows that he's out of touch with reality. It couldn't be enforced. Imagine a world where only Kim Jong-Il and Iran's Mullahs had nuclear weapons. That world would be glowing.

The Hillary Clinton juggernaut raises $27 million in the third quarter.

Democrats double Republican fundraising. That's because Republicans still haven't learned the lesson from 2006 and continue to act like Democrats. Only Ron Paul wants to shrink government.

Dick Morris explains Hillary's bizarre laugh as a studied defense mechanism. It seems staged to me.

Pat Buchanan calls for public hearings on Iran before Bush orders a strike unilaterally. We need grown-ups in Washington. These 2 self-promoting, anti-American parties are unwilling to be adults and the put the good of the country about their personal and party's good.

Walter Williams shows how socialists use global warming to increase their power even though there's no evidence CO2 affects climate change.

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