Sunday, October 14, 2007

Free kibbles

Scientist decries Gore's brainwashing of our children. On Saturday, Mike McConnell said that in 15-20 years we would look back on An Inconvenient Truth, as a cult classic that shows the ignorance in hysteria of our times, the same way we now look at Reefer Madness. That's a perfect analogy. And just like the drug warriors have never apologized for being so wrong and for the damage they have wrought on society with their hysteria, neither Gore and his false prophets of doom or their supporters will apologize for the damage they do with anti-growth policies that attack the poor more than anybody.

the way we lookA vivid reminder that China is still governed by communists. Chinese communists rule out empowering Chinese to govern themselves. These communists are dangerous tyrants, and we better remember that real fast.

There will be no peace for Israel until the Arabs want peace, despite Rice's or any other US efforts.

The site Israel struck in Syria was an unfinished nuclear reactor.

Israeli hostages possibly held in Iran. I can't remember if Hezbollah captured 2 Israelis, triggering the 2006 summer war, or just one, and the other hostage was captured by Hamas before then.

Giant banks set up $80 billion fund to buy out ailing lenders. This is a free market solution to the problem, and it seems like a great idea to me. It sure beats a government bailout.

Article discusses how society ignores dumb laws that are on the books because of political failure, and uses prescription drugs as an example, but this article fails to point out this situation, all caused by political failure, undermines he rule of law and creates huge social problems. This article implies this is a good thing. It's not. The right answer is to end the political failure and simplify our laws, not undermine the rule of law by ignoring them. The crime and institutional criminal justice problems we face every day are a result of this political failure.

Essay shows that Nobel Peace Prize is worse than a joke; it's a fraud.

More rumors about Google's gPhone.

Mark Steyn says culture and ideology trump economics.

Author wonders if China's next leader might be their Gorbachev. Talk about wishful thinking.

Ralph Peters explains that Democrats are attempting to stab our troops in Iraq in the back by passing the resolution declaring the Turks genocide of Armenians, genocide. This is arguably the most underhanded and disgusting betrayals of Americans by a political party since the Democrats founded the KKK.

New York is no longer the financial capital of the world.

George Will explains that social workers exclude conservatives.

Dick Morris looks at Hillary's statements and shows that she plans to raise taxes dramatically.

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