Thursday, October 11, 2007

Free kibbles

House passes war profiteering bill. About time. How will this affect, Cheney, Blackwater, and Congress?

Democrats plan $1 trillion tax hike over 10 years. This is another nail in the coffin of their chances in 2008. Republicans offer an alternative simplified tax plan that is considered too radical. Too radical? The tax plan is still a punishing income tax, which has been abandoned by every major trading partner we have - they have adopted VAT taxes. This plan won't stop the hemorrhaging of jobs overseas. Adopt the FairTax and dump the 2 anti-American parties.

California bans smoking in cars with children. Required bubble suits soon to follow.

Turkey may punish Boeing over genocide vote. We'll be very lucky if that's the worst they do. We have to wonder whether Democrats are using this vote to incide the Turks to attack Iraqi Kurds, starting a broader middle east war to destroy Bush. As little confidence as I have in either party, I don't want to believe this, but I don't know of any other reason for this vote right now.

The war in Iraq is going so well that the Commandant of the Marines has requested to transfer Marines from Iraq to Afghanistan to lead the fight there. We should never have taken our eye off Afghanistan before we had secured the peace there. We should give Gen. Petraeus all the troops he needs to secure the peace in Iraq before moving any back to Afghanistan.

The Bush administration versus Texas capital punishment law.

Because of the rapidly falling dollar, US exports increased. Gold and Platinum near records. Foreclosures double. We've known for years that we couldn't sustain this titanic government spending and that the baby boomer bubble would devastate our economy, and it's starting now.

We should lower the drinking age. It's ridiculous that an 18 year old can sign up for combat, but can't drink a beer. It's ridiculous that 18 year olds move out and go to college, where their slightly older peers are drinking, but they can't drink. It's just dumb.

Radiohead's free music will lead to a much needed reorganization of the music industry.

Michael Barone thinks we're seeing a turning point in British politics. Lovers of freedom and self-determination are gaining power and influence daily, just as they did in France. Europe is waking from its devastating, socialist slumber, and not a bit too soon. Even Sweden is trying, but free market reform is hard won in Sweden.

Muslim scholars reach out to Pope and other Christian leaders.

Reason totally misunderstands Hillary and health insurance. We don't need more people insured. We need more people buying their own health care. The more people who get insured, the more prices go up. The more government subsidizes health care, the more prices go up. we need to stop that spiral.

Google bans ads over use of trademark. So could run ads criticizing Gen. Petraeus, politician, talk radio host, or anybody else as long as their name isn't trademarked, but nobody can run an ad criticizing in response. That's convenient. The trademark policy should not apply to political organizations.

A telescope as big as the earth? That's big.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I think Americans recognize socialized medicine is just as devastating to the nation as they thought it was with Hillarycare in 1993. Hillary seems to think so too, because her new program, though designed to fail, isn't complete socialized medicine up front. It's hidden behind terms like choice and flexibility. Hillary learned, and claims she has the scars to show it. I just hope she never shows them in front of me or I'll throw up.

Ralph Peters explains that Pakistan's attempted appeasement of radicals in the mountainous wilderness on the edge of Afghanistan backfired, and now Pakistan is doing what it should have done from the beginning fighting those radicals.

Thomas Sowell explains why the Duke Lacrosse case mattered. It's sad he had to.

Bush to meet the Dalai Lama. Good for him. Bush should invite him, the leader of Taiwan, and the leader of China to dinner. On an aircraft carrier right outside the territorial waters of China.

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