Sunday, October 07, 2007

Free kibbles

General Petraeus says Iran is fueling the Iraq war and calls them the second biggest problem after al Qaeda.

Pakistani President Musharraf reaches reconciliation deal with self-exiled minister Bhutto. It looks like Musharraf is expanding his base in Pakistan. The US had a lot to do with this.

Palestinians fire new, longer range, Russian made rocket into Israel. I do not understand why the Israelis put up with this. These rockets are unguided and therefore tactically useless. The only reason Russia makes them is to empower the terrorists against the west.

Saudis set up official fatwa website to combat fatwa chaos.

Giuliani drops to 4th in Iowa behind Huckabee. Thompson rises to 2nd with very little effort.

Iowa voters including women see right through Hillary. I think most women see right through her. It's a primary driver of her overwhelming negative ratings.

George Will discusses possible insurrections from the far left and far right.

Bjorn Lomborg bemoans the phony global warming alarmism and the terrible, socialist policies it has spawned. He shows there are much cheaper ways to deal with climate change by growing wealth and adapting instead of stunting growth and leaving us more vulnerable.

Jonah Goldberg shows how liberals are using the new web group Media Matters to combat talk radio.

Dick Morris appreciates Rudy Giuliani's attacks on Hillary Clinton, and he says that Rudy is the only Republican who can beat her. But in the same essay, he claims Republicans are the victims of their own success. He must be doing some of the drugs the Republicans have so successfully removed from our streets. What success have Republicans had? We have a bigger government than ever, huge deficits, titanic, punishing income tax, more drug users than ever, more Americans in jail for drug use than ever, better funded enemies than ever, we lost Russia just like we lost China and the 2 are allied run us into the ground, and they're succeeding by using terrorist proxies to drain our resources. I could go on and on.

Granted, we haven't had a second 9/11, and that's no trivial issue. But on every other front, Republicans have failed us almost as badly, and sometimes worse, than even Democrats.

Republican pollster thinks Republicans can pick up seats in the House. I agree. They were punished in 2006, but Democrats have performed so poorly, and Hillary is so energizing for Republicans, that Republicans are likely to regain seats. Of course, I think they'll hold the presidency as well.

Now that the war in Iraq is turning in our favor, the New York Times has recognized that liberals are jumping back on the Iraq bandwagon. What a surprise.

Ralph Peters spares no criticism for security contractors like Blackwater who hire well-trained malcontents away from the military who needs them to fight.

Christopher Hitchens writes about an American who was inspired to become a soldier after reading a Hitchens essay and who was subsequently killed in combat in Iraq.

Good generals must understand politics, and General Petraeus does.

Pat Buchanan explains why Democrats can't capitalize on Republican failures.

Charles Krauthammer discusses the impact of Sputnik. He notes that it took 12 years from Sputnik to the moon landing. Now NASA says it will take over 13 to get back. And NASA blames Americans because it will take them longer after 50 years of technological advancement than it did the first time. NASA is just another bloated, ineffective bureaucracy.

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