Friday, September 14, 2007

Free kibbles

Bush aid is parroting Al Gore's alarmism about global warming. Despite all the science refuting this bull, the Church of anthropological global warming has purchased plenty of politicians to implement its destructive socialist policies anyway.

Paper trails may not improve voting machine accuracy. Only if voters don't check them. It comes back to personal responsibility.

Bush will cut troops according to Petraeus' recommendation, which was a fait accompli anyway. Liberals are trying to take credit, but they can't. 5,700 troops home by Christmas.

Iraqis vow revenge on al Qaeda for killing sheikh.

Turkey provided the intelligence for Israel's strike on Syria.

British jets once again intercept Russian bombers. This is no longer news.

The decline of civilization - Dubai opens the world's tallest building. China's tallest building was delayed, so it never became the tallest. It's telling that the Chinese building was built by a Japanese developer. The US isn't even trying.

Reason discusses Gen. Petraeus' testimony.

Slate explodes the stupid study that claimed liberals were smarter than conservatives.

How governments can help increase fertility rates.

Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson and Freedom's Watch demand New York Times run an ad in response to the "Betray Us" ad at the same price. The NYTimes hasn't responded.

Using laser light pressure to move spaceships could allow a ship to travel from Earth to Mars in a week.

I think this judge was mistaken since this woman said she had a temporary worker permit (what is that?), but it illustrates how the courts should deal with illegal immigrants - they have no standing here. A burglar can't sue a homeowner because he fell down the stairs, and an illegal immigrant can't have standing in US court after breaking into our country illegally. One of our major and growing problems in this country is judges who refuse to say no to cases with no merit. On the flip-side, nobody in American should support denying rights to legal immigrants as this case appears to do. It's not hard to get this right.

If this doesn't move you, nothing will. The local government in Anbar province dedicated their eradication of al Qaeda to the memory of the victims of 9/11. This country as a whole hasn't managed to do anything so profound for the victims in 6 years. We can't even get a new building built.

School lifts stupid ban on wearing US flags.

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