Saturday, September 08, 2007

Free kibbles

Bin Laden threatens Iraq escalation, proving once again, as if we didn't know it already, that Iraq is the central front in the war against al Qaeda and therefore the war on terror. He couldn't have timed this message any worse for Democrats, who still want to push for America's retreat from Iraq, the same goal as bin Laden.

Boycotting Sunni block returns to Iraqi government.

APEC nations agree to cut greenhouse gases.

More phony global warming alarmism about polar bears.

Angry people are converting to Islam for an excuse to blow stuff up.

Reason is unimpressed with Fred Thompson.

Comcast cutting off internet access for people it claims download too much. I bet that wasn't in their contract. I bet this is a stunt to support pay for premium downloading.

Paul Bremer shifts blame for dismantling the Iraqi army. I'm sure plenty of recommendations existed for dismantling and not dismantling, but it seems pretty clear the initial plan called for keeping the army intact and vetting it of Saddam loyalists. Bremer makes a good case that that plan seems to have been ruined by the situation on the ground. Bremer's email recommending dismantling the and Bush's response to carry out that recommendation is already public. Bush followed the advice of the guy in charge.

The Wall Street Journal reports on Democratic financier Norman Hsu. He's afraid the Chinese military probably using Chinese gangsters, are going to kill him. The Clinton corruption cover-up machine is working again.

Lawrence Kudlow says the money supply is too tight.

Bin Laden attacks capitalism. Bin Laden fighting to stay relevant. No kidding. The guy is railing against tax rates in the US and global warming. Al Qaeda has dumped huge resources into kicking us out of Iraq, only to see themselves on the verge of being wiped out there. Al Qaeda may pull off another attack, but it will only unify and reinvigorate the free world against them.

British article explaining that gun control leads to higher levels of violent crime - just as Britain has seen.

Thomas Sowell on the big lies in the health care debate.

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