Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Free kibbles

Scientists explode Al Gore's lies of a scientific consensus on global warming and the lies of evidence for anthropomorphic greenhouse gas warming. Czech President Vaclav Claus will appear in a series of US ads challenging Al Gore's lies. Excellent.

US high school bans wearing clothes with an American flag.

Surveillance hints that North Korea is selling nuclear material to Syria.

British troops moving to defend the Iraq-Iran border.

Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker didn't offer a proposal for dealing with Iranian aggression.

The financially strapped New York Times gave $102,000 discount to for their "Betray Us" ad. That's an impressive bias. Unbelievable. More on the NYTimes self-destruction by ideology.

Nancy Pelosi says proposed troop cuts are not enough. Bush has taken everything from the Democrats from a strategy for victory to the initiative on troop cuts, and left them to impotently complain it still isn't enough. As long as we have a chance to win in Iraq, Democrats will never think any cut is enough. Democrats have followed a strategy of defeating America to political disaster.

Germany won't support stronger sanctions on Iran, but it's OK with America bombing Iran. What's wrong with this picture? Sanctions are far and away less painful, and they don't risk any lives. This illustrates the outrageous failure of Europe's governments. The US should refuse to do business with any company that does business with Iran's energy sector. Playing nice with Germany isn't worth risking American lives and killing Iranians.

Russian prime minister resigns before elections. Another report claims Putin dissolved the government.

Despite OPEC's to raise production, oil price hits all time high. Dollar at all time low against Euro. It's sad that as Europe slips into self-destruction, the US is falling faster.

Bush suddenly claims to want to control spending. That's like an arsonist saying he wants to control fire.

The Senate votes to block Mexican trucks from US highways. This is a blatant cave-in to the Teamsters union. There's no reason that Mexican trucks that meet US standards should be barred from carrying goods between the US and Mexico.

The Senate holds toy recall hearings. Government is way late, and if it gets involved, it will only create problems. The free market is already moving to address toy safety.

Britain's socialized medicine system needs ever more money, and it's still sub-par.

Disney accused of violating China's labor laws, running sweatshop.

Gingrich says our leaders are short-sighted to focus on Gen. Petraeus' report instead of the larger War on Terror. I say that's short-sighted as well instead of focusing on Russia and China's new Cold War of Terror. We won't win until we address that greater war. Colin Powell hints at part of the solution - dramatically cutting the size and scope of government and promoting economic freedom and limited government all around the world.

Liberals are unhappy that the Justice Department is telling states with voter registration fraud to clean up their voter registration rolls. Liberals want as many fraudulent voters as they can get. I guess they assume all frauds vote Democrat.

Everybody condemns Bush for expanding executive power, but I just haven't seen it. I want concrete examples. All I keep hearing about it is warrantless wiretaps, and all that noise is bull because the Commander in Chief since George Washington has always had the power to eavesdrop on suspected enemy agents. The president has wartime powers, and eavesdropping on the communication of the enemy has been part of war since the dawn on history and probably a lot longer.

Reason asks why we would trust Bush to fix Iraq. We don't, but we trust Gen. Petraeus. Not that we have a choice until next November anyway.

It's funny that this author reports that Democrats won some battle against Bush during the Senate testimony of Petraeus and Crocker, but then admits Bush's strategy will go forward. In fact, everybody is reporting that Republicans are more solid than ever and Democrats fractured. It takes quite a bias to label that a Democratic victory.

Reason on the singularity summit.

Apparently the new Ebola outbreak is a lot more serious than previously reported.

Robert Kaplan identifies bottom-up progress in Iraq. As I said back in March 2003, we'll be in Iraq for on the order of 10 years because the alternative is worse. We're not half-way through yet.

A story of great Americans who died in combat in Iraq and the terrible consequences wrought by the destructive partisanship of the 2 parties.

Hsu investor lost $40 million.

Pat Buchanan how Democrats historically earned their reputation as weak on defense, and why they will allow Bush's Iraq plan to go forward.

Because of federalism, the federal government shouldn't conduct raids against medical marijuana in states where it is legal. I agree that Republicans should support this position as well as Democrats, but this is setting the bar way too low. We need to legalize and control drugs to disarm the Taliban, the Mexican drug gangs that control our border, the US drug gangs responsible for most of the violence in the US, and to end the drug war on Americans.

John Stossel gets Michael Moore to retreat from his claims about Cuban health care because they're bogus.

Author shows how liberal ideology has transformed college classrooms into indoctrination centers.

Apparently 9/11 conspiracy nuts dominated ground zero on the 6th anniversary.

Austin Bay says and Iran were the big losers in Petraeus' and Crocker's testimony.

Boortz responds to inaccurate smears about the FairTax.

Author contrasts Gen. Petraeus and Osama bin Laden, and points out that OBL must have greatly enjoyed's, New York Times "Betray Us" ad.

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