Pakistan extremists behead prostitutes. I'm sure bin Laden is proud.
Gen. Petraeus naturally wants to keep all his troops in Iraq for as long as he can, but regardless, Bush will start drawing down troops early next year.
New Iraq report, there's a new one every day, apparently, claims Iraq's government is in collapse. Just when we're seeing some positive action from the government. The Maliki government may need to be replaced, but it may not. Either way, it's no reason to give up on killing al Qaeda and on the grassroots reconciliation of the Iraqi people.

San Francisco plans to create ID cards for illegal immigrants. This will make it easy to identify and deport them. The government won't be able to use the "we can't find them" excuse for illegal aliens in San Francisco.
Spy satellites being used on the US. This is a sticky subject. If spy satellites could be used on suspected terrorists, I'd be OK with that, but I doubt they can be that focused. Then again, they could certainly monitor homes of suspected terrorists.
US loses jobs for the first time in 4 years.
The Justice Department rejects net neutrality.
Opec has no incentive to produce more oil. That would lower their profits since they're a cartel, and they face no competition. Better for them to pump less, extend the lifetime of their supply, and make more money.
Police officer forced jailed suspects to put on sex show.
Al Gore is flying around in a private jet. Drudge and Hannity seem to think this is shocking, but it's just de rigueur for hypocrites like Gore.
Democrats on education. Iraq. Health care. No mention of the most important issue facing America, the titanic size of government.
A-List Democratic fund raiser, Hsu, captured in Colorado. Apparently Hillary has only returned money directly from Hsu, not money he raised on her behalf from others.
Rudy Giuliani claims illegal immigration isn't and shouldn't be a crime. What's he smoking?
Cato says Fred Thompson's support for federalism, a founding principle of our nation never mentioned by any other 2008 presidential candidate other than Ron Paul, makes him the intellectual air to Reagan.
Judge invalidates Patriot Act write-your-own warrant provisions using national security letters. Hooray! The Justice Department has been very careful not to use information gathered from these unconstitutional searches in legal cases so it could avoid having the provisions overturned, but it finally happened. Cato discusses the use of doublespeak in the War on Terror.
Cato explains how federal subsidies promote wasteful public transit programs.
Jatropha as an alternative fuel.
Bruce Bartlett complete misrepresents the facts about the FairTax. I have no idea about the Scientology connection, and I don't care. The FairTax rocks.
Muslim ambassadors demand that Sweden change its laws to appease them. Wow.
Chertoff says Homeland Security won't tolerate interference by sanctuary cities when enforcing federal immigration laws. Why didn't Bush take that stance in Jan. of 2001?
Scientists entangle atoms at a distance of 1 meter.
The problems with zero tolerance policies.
Muslims bomb store because it sold "western" clothes. These guys think a bomb is the answer to every minor annoyance.
Chinese woman fired for contradicting her boss 3 times. Nice policy.
Gen. Petraeus' letter to the troops in advance of his report in Washington.
Author says Ron Paul has his facts right, not Huckabee, in Iraq war exchange.
Christopher Hitchens on Sen. Craig and bathroom sex.
Charles Krauthammer says the ground up political process is partitioning Iraq. This is probably the only workable solution in the short term. This is a poignant reminder that a grass roots process was the right way to go from the beginning. This could already have been finished, the central government could have been working with the partitions, we could have had very few troops left just to support Iraqis. Damn.
Does Fred Thompson have the killer instinct to win the Republican nomination?
Diane Feinstein's $4 billion pork barrel project for Beverly Hills.
Democrats plan to portray Gen. Petraeus, whom they recently unanimously confirmed, as a Bush administration stooge. Their base will eat it up, but most Americans won't.
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