Sunday, September 09, 2007

Al Gore's Church of Man-made Global Warming

The parallels between the medieval Catholic Church and Al Gore's modern religion, the Church of Man-Made Global Warming, get more pronounced every day. Al Gore's Gulfstream private jet surpasses the Pope-mobile for Church business travel, and his Tennessee mansion with heated pool uses more energy than the Sistine Chapel. All Gore needs is a giant hat of boiling water (because water vapor is a much more potent green house gas than carbon dioxide) to make his hypocritical parallel complete.

Early on, the prophets of this corrupt Church assumed the guise of the Spanish Inquisition. It's standard operating procedure for the prophets to compare global warming skeptics to Holocaust deniers and call for Nuremberg-style trials for skeptics. Other prophets crusade to destroy the careers of skeptics. Leading professors who are skeptics warn their students to keep their skepticism to themselves. And Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has accused skeptics of treason. Those false prophets don't care that burning skeptics at the stake would warm the earth.

But skeptics haven't wilted under the attacks, and they continue to call on the phony prophets to show their scientific evidence for man-made global warming. Since the prophets can't produce any evidence, they adopted another method from the medieval Catholic church, and claimed that scientific consensus proved that global warming was man made. Never mind that there is no such scientific consensus, fewer than half of scientists working in the field support the man-made global warming hypothesis, it was just this kind of so-called consensus that the old Catholic Church used to stifle science and original thought. It was this consensus that the Earth was the center of the universe that the Church used to threaten Galileo for publishing his theory that the Earth revolved around the sun.

And the fastest growing corrupt parallel to the old Catholic Church is selling sinful indulgences. The Church used to forgive sins if the sinner paid the Church. The Catholic Church used the money for its own indulgences. Al Gore is doing the same today, selling carbon indulgences which he calls carbon offsets. The false prophet is profiting nicely in this exploding $55 million industry, which changes nothing but it makes the sinners feel better. The industry is projected to double in size next year and the year after so Gore can afford more private jets, mansions, and heated pools.

Maybe Gore will hire illegal immigrants to wave fans on him while he sits on his throne to cut down on electricity.

Fortunately for the world, we have plenty of Galileos still doing quality, honest climate science and plenty of Martin Luthers to keep Al Gore's Church of Man-made Global Warming from silencing those scientists. Unfortunately the tremendous wealth of the Church dwarfs the resources of the skeptics, and that wealth buys influence with politicians and policy makers. We have to keep the Church's politicians from implementing more destructive socialist policies until honest scientists understand the mechanisms of climate change, after which we can implement intelligent policies.

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