Saturday, September 01, 2012


In cynical attempt to make President Obama look cool, the White House chefs release recipes for craft beers Obama supposedly likes.

Paul Ryan busted for lying about his marathon time. This is one of those examples of how politicians, because they lie without conscience, often lie when the truth is a much better solution. Running a marathon is a great achievement, and being honest about it would have worked in Ryan's favor. Instead he lied and exposed he's just a typical, lying politician.

The media is taking notice of Romney's despicable actions at the Republican convention as well as the shenanigans, including media collusion, during the entire process.
"A crescendo of establishment tyranny and epic last minute rules manipulation unfolded at the RNC, leaving hundreds of legally elected delegates and other Republicans, representing millions of others, disenfranchised and ready for a mass exodus from the Republican party.
After an entire election season of rules breaking in almost every state by so-called GOP “officials” and mainstream media manipulation of the process, many expected GOP establishment shenanigans at the RNC. But to watch them play out the way they did during Tuesday thru Thursday's proceedings fully cemented the reality that the establishment, regardless of whether Democrat or Republican, despite the people's wishes, will literally do anything they wish to insure the current "bankster" establishment structure stronghold, even to the detriment of the people."
Even to the detriment of people? Well, duh. Man, this article documents everything. It's very thorough.
"States like Iowa, Nevada, Maine and almost every caucus state in the union would literally see open election fraud take place during their state's delegate selection processes, attempting to do everything they could to prevent Ron Paul from gaining any momentum. So much so that it was almost as if they knew they wouldn't get in trouble if they were caught."
Of course they knew they wouldn't get caught.

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