Sunday, September 23, 2012


Black pastors turn against Obama over gay marriage.
"Rev. William Owens of the Coalition of African American Pastors on President Obama: "The President of the United States, who is a Black man, to endorse same sex marriage, should be put out of office, and he never should have been elected." He also told the Democratic Party: "I want the Democratic Party to know, you don't own us, and you don't own black people.""
It'll be interesting to see if that has any effect on the election.

An Australian gets it.
"How is it possible that Americans - who are so blessed to have once been given a shot at bona fide freedom - have become so uniquely adapted to being unconditionally compliant and living in chains as slaves, while being ungrudgingly subservient to a massive government-corporatocracy-special interest complex that erodes their freedoms almost daily, while enabling the elite overlords who control and rule over them for power and profit?"
This is the question. Early Americans gave us the greatest gift in history, an country with a government so tiny that it was unprecedented in history. And we have squandered that gift. Never has o society been given so much and fallen so far.

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