Friday, August 17, 2012


Following the lead of the US, Germany's government has empowered its military to attack the German people. They all know they've looted us as far as they can. They all know our economies are collapsing because of it. They all know the people are going to protest and maybe revolt because of it. Therefore they are planning to kill us to retain their position as the apex predators of mankind.

The USA Today questions if the killings by supposed US allies in Afghanistan are really the result of Taliban infiltration. It wonders if maybe they killings are the result of bad blood.
"The U.S. military trainers handed the new recruit, Mohammad Ismail, his AK-47 to defend his remote Afghan village. He turned around and immediately used it, spraying the Americans with bullets and killing two — the latest of nine U.S. service personnel gunned down in two weeks by their supposed Afghan allies."
"One turncoat attack per month raised eyebrows last year. One per week caused concern earlier this year. But when Afghan forces turn their guns on international trainers twice in a day — as they now have two weeks in a row — it's hard to argue there's not something going on. The question is, what is it?"
That's not a hard question at all. They want our troops gone. They want our troops to stop killing their families and countrymen. How hard is that to figure out?

Eisenhower warned us about the growth of the military-industrial complex, but I doubt he recognized just how bizarre it would get.
"The Pentagon, which is facing end-of-year cuts that it says could cripple its ability to fight future wars, may spend billions in coming years on weapons systems and programs it says it doesn’t need but are favored by area members of Congress."
Because the goal of every individual, simplistically, including those in Congress, is to get as rich as possible as quick as possible, congressmen don't give damn about the military. All they care about is selling our money and power to the highest bidder which is often military contractors whose products are unwanted by the military.
"Defenders of these programs say the Pentagon isn’t flawless, and sometimes doesn’t budget for things it needs. Plus, without the money, lawmakers say Ohio could lose thousands of jobs."
Politicians love to justify their spending by proclaiming it supports socialist jobs programs.

A tiny insight into the mentality of the worst of the worst who rise to the top of government.
"The Air Force chief of staff was Gen. Curtis LeMay, former head of Strategic Air Command, who boasted of his B-29 fleet in the Pacific war, "We torched and boiled and baked to death more people in Tokyo that night of March 9-10 than went up in vapor in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.""
I think I'm going to be sick. Thank goodness for Pat Buchanan's context.
"These were grave times and dangerous men. What prompts this recitation of what our world was like 50 years ago is the latest cover story in The Weekly Standard, "The Most Dangerous Man in the World."The cover photo is of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's "man with a mission," who is said to be seeking an atom bomb and who "loathes the United States more than Stalin, Mao, Tojo and Hitler combined." If this "supreme leader gets nuclear weapons, it will be a miracle if he does not stupidly lead his country into war."
Thrust of the 5,000-word article: Be afraid. Be very afraid of this man.But what exactly are we to fear? And what is the imperative for war now on Iran, for which this piece beats the drum?Khamenei has declared that nuclear weapons are immoral and Iran will never acquire them. Is Islamic Iran's supreme religious leader lying through his teeth? Where is the proof? Where is the hard evidence?"
Government attracts the worst people to it, and the worst of the worst rise to the top. They don't want to commit suicide. They want to convince some other dumb fool to commit suicide. But they'll never commit an act that will result in their death. These people are only fanatics in that they convince others to sacrifice their lives. They will do everything they can to save their own. So don't buy the hype.
"And if we should fear this most dangerous man in the world, why do not the Iraqis, Turks, Azerbaijanis and Pakistanis, his neighbors, seem to fear him? The Paks, with scores of nukes, seem less nervous about Iran than democratic India, with whom they have fought several wars.Before now it has been Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who was the incarnation of Hitler. But Ahmadinejad's eight years in office are up next summer, and he is reportedly going back to teaching.For all his bellicosity, how many wars did Ahmadinejad fight?When was the last time Iran started any war?"
Oops. Neocons can't answer. It has been reported that the Supreme Leader recently declared his intention to destroy Israel. Here's what he really said.
"On Al-Quds Day, Wednesday, an annual event since the 1979 revolution, Khamenei reportedly said he was confidant "the fake Zionist (regime) will disappear from the landscape of geography."
What part of passive voice don't linguists understand? Maybe they realize that western governments are drowning in debt and will disappear because of their own destruction of wealth. In other words, maybe they are smarter than the American people. On the other hand, maybe they're signalling an attack on us with weapons they don't have. Maybe we could look to history for examples of when we dealt with belligerent, nuclear powered nations before.
"Yes, and Nikita Khrushchev said, "We will bury you," and, "Your grandchildren will live under communism." And we buried him, and his grandchildren saw the end to communism."
Oops. How did we do that? By embracing free markets. Too bad that is taboo today. It almost makes war inevitable.
"Our fathers crushed fascism in four years and outlasted for half a century the evil empires of Stalin and Mao that had murdered millions. And we should be fearful of an ayatollah?What happened to the America we grew up in, the America of Truman, Ike, JFK and Reagan?"
It was replaced by the America of fear and war-profiteering.

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