Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Foreign Policy

Another dictator supported by the US is gone. Ethiopian dictator dies. Will we see a revolution in Ethiopia too? I wonder why the US didn't spark a revolution there like they did all over northern Africa and Syria.

The real issue highlighted by the skinny-dipping in Israel story and the issue covered up by the press is the bribing of US congressmen by the Israel lobby.
"The fact that the press can look on a midnight swim as more important than the obeisance of the Congress to the Israel lobby-- a "private factfinding tour," in the narcotizedwords of the Washington Post-- shows the degree to which the entire American establishment has been converted to the Zionist cause."
As I said, I bet anything those bribes included prostitutes and drugs. But other countries bribe our rulers also, but apparently not as aggressively as the Israel lobby.

Pat Buchanan describes the Post Cold-war disorder.
"The bipolar world of the Cold War is history. The new world order, however, is not the One World dreamed of by Wilsonian idealists. It is a Balkanizing world where race, tribe, culture and creed matter most, and democracy is seen not as an end in itself but as a means to an end – the accretion of power by one's own kind to achieve one's own dreams."
The US should let these competing interests work out their own problems.

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