Sunday, August 26, 2012


If you are anti-war and anti-Isreali like Justin Raimondo, you might claim that any Israeli attack on Iran will result in a nuclear exchange. And you would be wrong. I'm not advocating an attack on Iran by either the Israeli or US governments, but a nuclear response is not inevitable.
"The Israelis are going all out to lure, threaten, and scare the US into attacking Iran: the world hasn’t seen such a frenzy of staged hysterics since my three-year-old niece threatened to hold her breath until her parents agreed to buy her all six Barbie Fashionistas. "
Oh my goodness, that's a fantastic comparison to the vapid claims of Iranian danger.
"It is merely to suggest that something else is at work here, a factor unreported but previously hinted at – and that is the possibility Netanyahu is playing a game of nuclear blackmail with this administration, threatening to launch a nuclear first strike at Iran."
I'm skeptical. Call me naive, but I don't think even Netanyahu will go there. I think Raimondo's anti-Israel bent has infected him. God knows I hope I'm right.

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